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The moment Amara set her dirty converse inside the Visitation Center (which had been made into a temporary hospital), she was whisked off to see a doctor for her arm by Owen.

Zach-- not wanting to leave the brunettes side even if the threat had finally been eliminated, tugged Gray behind him as he followed her and Owen. This left Claire, who really didn't want to get the award of "most times and aunt abandons her newphews", so she moved after them in a flurry of uncoordinated actions. That's right. She can run from a Tyrannosaurus Rex in her three inch heels, but can't seem to navigate her way betwwen the feet of a few thousand injured and exhausted people.

Amara was quickly sat down in the nearest cushioned seat, her injured arm spread before the certified doctor her father had literally dragged away from another patient. She watched sadly as Zach's make-do bandage was removed. Zach clung to her free hand, noticing it's chipped gold nail polish. He smiled as he realized the color matched the flecks in her dark brown eyes.

Amara was still observing the physician's nimble hands as they prepare a medical needle over a small, portable lighter. Amara was sure that real hospitals don't use such homemade supplies, but she really couldn't be complaining. If she didn't get this wound taken care of she could get an infection or worst case scenario-- septicemia; more commonly known as blood poisoning.

As the male doctor threaded the usually sewing-related object, Amara turned away trying to find something else to study before the pain of undergoing this procedure without any kind of anesthetic kicked in.

Her eyes landed on Gray who looked awfully bored and not to mention tired. He was sitting criss-crossed, playing with the ends of his shoelaces. Amara would never have said this to his face, but when he wasn't spouting out dinosaur facts of being an adorable preteen he wasn't very interesting to watch.

She shifted her gaze to Owen and Claire talking a little ways away. Amara shook her head, the sight of them together saddening her.

Finally, the young brunnette's eyes locked with Zach's just as the doctor began to stitch her wound together. Zach was startled as the girl in front of him scrunched her eyebrows violently together. Her grip on his hand suddenly tightened enough to break his fingers, and her lips let out a hiss.

Amara sighed thinking of her seemingly craven state. "I must look like the saddest story alive." she mumbled as beads of sweat appeared around her hairline. The nerves on her arms were hot with torment as the slender piece of metal entered her skin repeatedly.

Zach smiled, staring at the bedraggled girl. She might have looked like that to those who passed by, but to thim she glowed. "Nah," he said. "You look beautiful, princess." Amara looked at him with flushed cheeks, and her eyes couldn't hide their happiness. Zach uttered the next part, not expecting the girls ears to pick up his words. "You've always looked beautiful." He thought back to the first time he'd seen her holding that sad looking sign which read his and Gray's names.

But Amara had heard him and she couldn't help but beam in bliss.


Amara wasn't one for lying down for a long period of time. Well, only if it was for binge watching a tv show. So, as soon as the last strip of white gauze was placed over her cleaned arm, Amara was up off of the chair as if it had burded her rump.

"Thanks, Doc," she said, mock saluting the brunette man. The medic simply shook his head as if mystified with the younger generation and walked away with his equipment.

Amara snuck a glance over at her father and seeing his face turned away from her, grabbed Zach's hand, yanking him through the maze of tourists outstretched limbs.

The two burst through the exit doors and out of the adults peering sight. Amara looked at the lanky boy beside her, and couldn't help but admire his height. She'd always liked guys who were tall. Her eyes shone as she spoke. "Come on. I want to go get something to drink."

Zach followed closely behind the suddenly very energetic girl as they went in search of water. Amara's hair lay in tangled curls down her back, and his grey hoodie was obviously too big for her, yet she hadn't ever taken it off even though they had been handing out extra clothing back at the Visitation Center.

Zach and Amara arrived at a short-term station that was on the outskirts of the majority of the population in the Center. The two gratefully took a water, surprisingly not very hungry after their ordeal with the dinosaurs.

Drowning the bottles in minutes they walk their trash away and continued on their walk.

"Zach . . ." Amara said softly when she saw they were finally completely alone. "I-- I wanted to . . ."Amara seemed to be struggling with her words, and Zach patiently waited for her to state what she wanted to say. "I wanted to say thank you, Zach. Without you . . . Who knows what would have happened. You saved me. A lot. So, thanks, Superman."

Zach smirked at the new nickname. "Then don't all heroes get a kiss for their bravery in the end?" he remarked. Amara rolled her eyes and despite already having kissed, reached up to peck his cheek.

In response, Zach kissed her mouth.


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