Part 30 - Another Summons

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The New Year saw Laurie and Severus return to Hogwarts even happier than they were when they'd left, and this was duly noted by all students and staff. Laurie was brewing a concoction in a cauldron alongside Slughorn one cold evening in January.

'I say, Lauriana, you and dear Severus seem to be on Cloud Nine, have you been overdosed on Elixir to Induce Euphoria by any chance?' Slughorn enquired, chuckling to himself as he splashed a powder into his cauldron.

'No, Horace, it's all natural...' Laurie answered vaguely, she hadn't told anyone about her condition and wasn't going to until she was beginning to show.

'Oh, is that so? Well, good on you both.' He smiled at her. They'd grown a little friendlier with each other since starting teaching together, especially since Laurie had stopped trying to show off as much. 'I... I suppose it's hard not to be happy when... well...' he spoke quietly,

Laurie shot him an inquisitive look from over her cauldron, 'When what, Horace?'

He nodded to her cauldron, 'Feeling a little nauseous?' he asked softly, 'Salamander blood, Flobberworm mucus, honey and ginger?' he identified some of the ingredients on her table,

'Y-Yes those are the ingredients I'm using...' she responded,

'Ingredients for the No-Nauseating Draught.' He gave her knowing look with a small smile. Laurie sighed,

'I should have known better than to brew anything in front of you, Horace,' she smiled weakly,

'How far along, my dear?'

'About 6 weeks,' Laurie answered, blushing. Slughorn raised his eyebrows quickly in surprise,

'Goodness, I'm getting too good in my old age!' he chuckled to himself, 'You can trust me to keep it a secret for as long as you need, Lauriana.' Slughorn reached over to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. Laurie smiled back, and they resumed their potions.

After a while, Laurie began to feel the familiar prickling sensation on her left forearm. Oh no, she thought, she couldn't leave now, mid potion and in front of Slughorn who was happily chatting away about his days as Potions Master. Laurie discreetly grabbed her arm to stop the burning, she thought "soon" in the hopes that the Dark Lord would hear or feel her – she still wasn't sure how it all worked. She began to get restless until Severus suddenly entered the classroom and briskly walked towards Laurie. He nodded to Slughorn who greeted him,

'Ah Severus, I believe a congrat-'

'No time, Horace. Laurie come with me.' Severus spoke curtly and pulled Laurie away from her potion and through the passageway into their quarters, not caring about how it looked to Slughorn.

'Oh, my... I don't think that's necessary now, is it? Oh goodness... I shall leave you two to whatever you're about to do.' Slughorn called after them, a little unsettled by where they were going all of a sudden. If only he knew where they were really going.

The couple appeared in the dining room of Malfoy Manor, the other Death Eaters were sat already.

'Severus, Lauriana, I am pleased that you could finally make it.' Voldemort called over to them from the head of the table, an air of frustration in his voice at having to wait for them so often. He didn't realise how much more difficult it was to get away for them; they couldn't just apparate out of Hogwarts, nor could they abandon their classes at the drop of a hat, otherwise they would look very suspicious.

Voldemort led the meeting with his followers and most of it was regarding the task he'd set the newest member of the Inner Circle, Draco Malfoy. The boy had been speechless when he'd discovered his Potions professors were revealed to be two of Voldemort's most favourite followers, but had easily been able to keep their secret whilst at Hogwarts.

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