Part 12 - Lunch Study

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That Tuesday morning went quickly, and Laurie had snuck some fruit from breakfast, to eat in the History of Magic class before lunch to tide her over while she had another study session with the Potions Master.

Professor Binns droned on and on in his own little world so it was rather easy to eat from behind her large textbook at her desk. She really questioned why she decided to take History of Magic as a N.E.W.T., but when it came down to it, it was either this or Divination and Laurie never appreciated that area of study and how unreliable it was.

The Clocktower bell rang to signal lunchtime, and the entire class had clearly been packing away silently towards the end because they were all dashing out of the door as soon as the bell started tolling.

Laurie quickly packed up her bag and wandered down through the castle to the Potions classroom where Snape was stood at the small table at the front of the classroom, but the table appeared to be covered in a white cloth. Laurie stepped towards the tall wizard who turned around with a small, weary smile,

'I thought you might be hungry, and to be honest, I am not in the mood for teaching today,' Severus greeted her with tired eyes,

'I am rather famished, that's a nice thought, Severus thank you,' the witch smiled as Severus summoned a small feast of pumpkin pasties, autumnal salads, a pumpkin juice for Laurie and a firewhiskey for himself. 'Is it because of last night? I knew it was too soon for you to get over something that made you so upset...' Laurie faded out as she saw the Potions Master take a huge gulp of the alcoholic drink,

'Yes, but I don't want to divulge the cause of my emotional trauma,' he nodded as he finished the glass and started pouring another,

'Don't you think you should take that a bit slower?' Laurie suggested quietly as she got out her potions textbook, she might as well study on her own over lunch if Severus wasn't going to teach her anything. Severus ignored the witch and continued to drink from the crystal tumbler.

They sat in silence with Severus drowning his sorrows at the head of the table whilst Laurie read quietly until the morose wizard slammed his glass down, resting his elbows on the table, putting his head in his hands, and letting out a deep sigh as the alcohol finally started to hit him.

'Wow, you must be troubled.' Laurie exclaimed, looking up from her book to see Severus had drunk an entire bottle of the firewhiskey, he grunted agreeing with her,

'I bloody miss her, Laurie...' he mumbled through his hands, Laurie studied the clearly sozzled Severus, maybe this was her opportunity to learn his secrets; was alcohol more effective than the potent truth serum?

'Miss who?' she asked softly, Severus began to sob quietly,

'Li-hic-Lily' he hiccupped. Laurie inhaled sharply, Lily as in the late Lily Potter?

'Lily Potter? You knew her?' she asked carefully, trying not to delve too deep too quickly, she didn't want to get caught out again,

'I loved her-' Severus caught himself, but it was too late, his head snapped up eyes widened in shock as he realised what he'd just said.

He moved so quickly he lost his balance and went falling back on his stool, but Laurie was there to catch him before he fell too far. Her arm wrapped tightly around the man's waist and her other grabbed onto his outstretched hand. Laurie pulled him back and steadied the drunken professor, eventually kneeling down at his side his hands enveloped by hers.

She looked up at him worriedly,

'You -hic- weren't meant to f-hic-find out about that...' he said slowly, trying to focus on the witch's face looking up at him,

'It's okay, Severus, now I understand why you are so upset, and I promise I won't tell a soul.' she replied squeezing his hands, 'Now I can help you through it.' she added encouragingly.

Severus sobbed some more, and Laurie rested her cheek on his lap as the wizard rested his hands around Laurie's head, occasionally gripping her soft, black waves in his fists. She hushed softly and quietly to try and calm the man.

Eventually, Laurie stood up and reached out a hand to Severus who took it unsteadily rising and following Laurie through to his bedroom.

'You need some more sleep, Sev,' she told him, bringing him over to the bed. Severus crawled onto the four-poster bed and lay on his back staring up at the canopy for a moment, sniffling. He then turned to look at Laurie who stood next to him,

'Can you lie with me, Laurie?' he asked, shuffling across to make some room for her. Laurie sighed,

'Only for a moment, I have classes to get back too soon...' she agreed, joining him, and snuggling her head onto the professor's chest.

They lay for a while, she listened to his heartbeat as she fiddled with the buttons on his jacket, whilst the wizard held an arm around the witch and kissed the top of her head.

Laurie could have stayed like that for hours, but she kept half an eye on the grandfather clock in the corner of the room, she would have to leave soon, and her heart sank a little with every minute that went by.

'I love this, Severus.' Laurie whispered to the man but was met with a soft snore. She rolled her eyes and snuggled her face into the crook of his neck to which the sleeping wizard moaned and fidgeted softly, Laurie giggled and inhaled Severus's oaken scent from the whisky with a hint of fresh parchment and sandalwood which must've been in the soap he used to bathe with.

Laurie's mind wondered to the thought of Severus bathing, she would give anything to join him in a steamy bath...

'Your mind could probably do with getting in the bath, Laurie...' Severus mumbled, cracking open one eye to look down at her, smirking at her surprise,

'You were in my head!' Laurie exclaimed, 'I thought you were asleep!'

'Just resting my eyes...' Severus replied looking smug at catching her out,

'It was just a wandering thought,' Laurie mumbled into the wizard's neck,

'Maybe one day soon hmm?' he said suggestively to which Laurie looked up into his eyes with excitement,

'You mean it?!' she asked, to which he nodded causing her to plant an eager kiss on his lips.


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