⚜Broken Rules⚜

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The door led to the staircase and I slowly accelerated upwards. It all seemed so surreal and fake, even the golden gates that led into Heaven.

I gently pushed them open and everything seemed to explode in blues and golds. A person suddenly appeared directly in front of me. He wore a toga and his hair was a sandy blonde color with eyes a bright navy color. He seemed a normal person, all except for the fact he had large gaping wings that folded behind his back. The feathers were a pure white color but seemed to have a blue tint.

"Hello there, Dea! I'm Michael. Yes, I am an angel, yes, I am the Creators favorite, and yes, you are in Heaven. You are dead," the male rushed this out and shoved his hand towards me. He was hoping I would shake his hand.

"I have figured as much," I replied easily, "Maybe tone down the greeting a bit. I get it we are in Heaven and that's exciting and stuff, but you may give an already-dead-lady a heart attack."

He furrowed his eyebrows for a few seconds before smiling and nodding his head, dropping his hand back down to his side. "Ah, I see," He told me, "You like to use what modern humans call 'sarcasm'. I respect your humor. Now, on a much more serious note, would you like to meet Father?"

I blinked a few times in silence. The question hadn't finished processing through my mind yet. When it did, my eyes widened and said, "Excuse me, I think I may have just heard you wrong. Did you just ask if I would like to meet 'Father'? As in, referring to God as being 'Father'?"

"Yes," he replied simply, "Now would you like to meet him?"

"U-uhm. Y-yes, of course," I had said stupidly. For once in my life, I had been rendered speechless.

GOD!? I thought, Holy shit I can believe I am actually in Heaven. I can believe I am going to go meet God! How did I even get into Heaven in the first place? I was never a religious type of person...

My thoughts were cut short. It seems that as my mind was thinking these thoughts, my legs had taken it upon themselves to move forward because I was now barely able to stand. In front of me sat a large man. His hair was long and white, along with his beard, and he wore a loose white toga. He sat upon a golden throne that was able to look over all of Heaven and Earth. I realized just how powerful he was and immediately kneeled before him.

A booming laugh pervaded the surrounding area, but it didn't sound evil but more comforting if that was possible. I felt something lift my head to meet His eyes and I was almost frozen onto the spot. I felt something intruding my mind, like someone had opened the file cabinet that was my life and sorted through each file that was my memories. It seemed as if it was searching for something, something that I don't have. Or have yet. For almost a split second, the elderly man in front of me furrowed his eyebrows, but then in an instant whatever file this mysterious being was trying to locate must have found it because it fled my thoughts.

The Creator smiled brightly and I flinched at his booming voice. "Rise Dea Jones of New York City," he said and I did as told with no hesitance.  With his arms spread wide, he spoke again, "Welcome. Welcome to paradise!"

I couldn't help but smile as I turned to the rest of Heaven. They cheered as they raised their goblets and took a swig of whatever it held. After turning, I discovered that the large being that was the almighty God had stood and shrunk to a more humane size, yet still towered over me.

He walked towards another angel that wore orange hair and a red toga. His wings had hints of red and he held a pillow with a glowing ring on it. He much resembled Michael in some odd way, I tried to rack my brain for the small amount of church that I went to when I was younger but found nothing of an orange-haired angel. Until the Creator had begun to talk again.

"From Uriel, the great angle of light, a gift. A halo, to remind you where you belong. In Eden," He told me and gingerly placed the halo on my head. It sat upon my head for a few moments before it came to life.


It levitated off and above my head and I looked above to see it sitting in the air. Looking back to God he motioned behind me to the lower floors.

"Now, let's celebrate your return to Heaven!"


I sat on the edge of one of the many clouds that made up this paradise.



The Creator had in fact called this paradise. He had also named Eden to be my home. He had also searched through my mind and must have found something that he didn't particularly enjoy.

I mean, It had to have been Him. There was no other person... Er, angel that could do that, right? And besides, why would He have been staring at me that long had He not been searching for something? Maybe He saw into my future.

Maybe I do something to go against His ways in times to come. Would I go to Hell after that? Was Hell the other door that I was given? It must have been because the other door had led me to Heaven.

What if I had chosen the other door?

"Hello, Dea Karma Jones," I voice said next to me and I flinched. Looking over I saw another angel.

His hair was a dark brown and his eyes matched. He wore a plain white toga and his wings were too far for me to look at without looking weird.

"Hello," I replied not knowing his name or the reasoning behind why he came over here.

"I am Raguel, " He told me, almost as if he was a telepath, "I could not help but notice that you were sitting over here by yourself at your own party. Are you not happy where you are in Heaven?"

"No, no I am happy here. I just have a few unanswered questions. But it's nothing you have to worry about."

I felt his stare as I looked down below. New York looked so much smaller when you were up in the clouds.

So did Ana and Grace. They were probably crying right now. Along with Dominic. Maybe even mother. All four of them probably figured out that I died during the surgery. As well as the press.

A hand landed itself onto my shoulder and I looked up to Raguel. "Well," he started, "I guess I will leave you to your thoughts then. I will always be here to talk to if you need it."

Then he walked away towards the rest of the other angels, as well as to the Creator.

I wonder what would happen if I just...

I looked to one of the nearby flower beds that inhabited Heaven. To separate it from the rest of the ground, there were cobblestones.

'Do it,' I heard a voice in my head say.

Who are you?

'I am your conscience.'

No, you're not. Who are you?

'Fine you got me, but I can't tell you who I am yet. I can tell you what to do though, and I want you to do it.'

But what will happen if I-

'Do it.'

What if-

'Do it,' it said again, 'I dare you.'

I slowly got to my feet and traveled over to the nearby flower bed. I picked up one of the heavy stones.

'Do it.'

I can't-

'Just do it already!'


The rock left my hand and I almost immediately felt the regret. I watched as it flew through the air, aiming for the group of angels and the Creator. It inched closer and closer to God's head and then it hit.

And all of a sudden it was dark and hot. There was also a man rolling around on the ground.


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