4 - Tears

802 34 1

Heejin POV

I ring the doorbell after arrived at Hyunjin's house.

The door widely opened and I saw her smiling to me.

"Come in~" She said. Me and y/n goes into her house and saw the others are here already.

"Just don't be so loud." I whisper to him.

"Don't worry." He'd whispered back.

"Hey guys~" I said after saw all of my friends.

"Hey Heejin!" Jungeun unnie said.

"So, what's up?" I said.

"I've got go to the medical school." Hyejoo said.

"Me too." Yerim said while raising her right arm.

"Oh, That's good!" I said.

"Being a babysitter is hard you know.." Sooyoung unnie said, making Haseul unnie and Jinsoul unnie to nodded their head.

"You all not know what the babies want, that's why they're not listening to you guys." Yeojin said.

"We knows what the babies want, we also a baby once." Haseul said.

"I don't care as long as I'm the baby here." Yeojin said proudly.

"But... A baby don't talk.." Jiwoo unnie said making us chuckled.

"I can." Yeojin replied more like a shouted.

Then we starts to talk randomly until it's getting dark.

"Hey, you all need to go home, it's late already." Hyunjin said.

"Yeah, let's go." Vivi unnie said.

We agreed with her and they were separated from me because my house was on the other side from them.

"Hey, can you stay with Hyunjin for a while until I came back? I need to keep your friends got home safe and sound." Y/n whispered to me.

"Um.. Okay." I said then go back to Hyunjin.

"Why?" She asked me.

"I'm suddenly hungry.." I making up.

"You can just walk back and eat at your house." She said.

"But I can't even walk if I'm hungry~" I whined then pouts to her.

"Did you not pitying your friend here or you don't let me to eat your bread?" I asked her.

"I'm pitying on you and yes, I don't let you to eat my bread, but you can have the ramen." She said, stand up and cooks the ramen.

After a few minutes...

"Here." She placed the ramen in front of me.

"Thank you." I said then I eat the ramen.

"No problem for my best friend." She said and eats her bread.

"You really loves bread a lot, aren't you." I said.

"I can't help it, bread is my love. They're so soft and tasty~" She said and we laughed.

"Hey, they safely arrived at their home." I heard y/n whispered to me. I quickly finished the ramen and stand up.

"Thank you again Hyun. See you again." We hugged then I go walked off to my house.

As we were going to my house, a guy suddenly appeared and about to attack me but got punch in the face instead because of y/n.

He fight over the guy and it turn out to be another vampire.

"Heejin, the bottle." Y/n said to me.

"But.. I didn't bring it with me." I said slowly.

"You what!?" He raised his voices then the guy got away.

"Why didn't you bring it over!?" He scolded me.

"Because... I thought that there's no need to bring it to Hyunjin's house.." I said slowly while looking down to the ground.

"Good, now he's got away. What if he attack others people!?" He said. A tears escape from my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry.." I said then run into my house.

Your POV

I scolded Heejin for not bringing over the bottle with her. She was looking down all the time as I couldn't calm myself.

"I-I'm sorry.." She said then run to her house.

That's when I realized, that she is crying.

Great, now I'm feel bad for scolded her.

I should go apologize to her..

I fly up to a tree outside her house and sitting on one of the branch.

First I need to give her some time to cool down then I will go apologize..

I said in my mind and waits until it's late night.

Late night

I fly over to her room's window and saw her sitting at the edge of her bed.

I inhaled a long breath and exhaled it out then knocks on the window.

She didn't bother to look at me. So I keeps knocking, her expression become annoyed then she come and open the window.

"Hey Hee, can I go insi-" She don't even let me finish my words when she suddenly close back the window.

I don't give up easily so I keeps on knocking louder and louder then she opened the window back and I quickly go in.

"Get out." She said coldly.

"Heejin, I want to apologize, I know I shouldn't had scolded you earlier, but I can't control my emotions. I just frustrated because he'd got away. I didn't mean to raised my voice at you. I'm so sorry." I said then I go hugs her and put her head on my chest.

"Me too, sorry for not bringing the bottle, I'll not doing it again.." She's said with a sniffing after that.

Then I hold her head and look at her, she look up to me as I slowly lean in and kissed her forehead.

"Sorry, let's go to sleep." I said, she nodded her head then we go to sleep while cuddling each other.


[Completed] Vampire Love (LOONA Heejin X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now