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----Time skip they are now in their condo unit----


As we entered the unit we immediately looked around if there are two beds,but no,there is only one bed and two beanbags.SERIOUSLY?!?

"Well,I guess we will sleep together"Elsa started "Alone"She continued "There isn't even a couch"I stated,She giggled nervously slightly blushing like me


Me and Jack have to share the same bed...Why?Why,must the girl die young?Nah!Just joking,But why am I being not so cold around him,well were both cold and his Cold and Hot,His 6 pac--- Wait what am I thinking?I thought as I Stuff my Clothes in the wardrobe.

"Hey Elsa."He called out "Wut?!" "There are video games and an X-box 360.....Just dance 4?"He asked I thought for a second "Hell Yeah"


===NY HQ===

"How long have you been a spy" I asked the 5 young people in front of me

"Since we were five years old"The 2 boys and 2 girls replied

"How bout' you" I asked the girl in the middle

"3 years old" she replied cooly

"Wow,Names?" I asked

"Bryce Michealson"

"Adrian Anderson"

"Allison Anderson"

"Breanna Swift"

"Victoria Summers"

They seem okay,trained,and ready for a mission all I have to know know are their Abilities,Ages,and Leader

"What're your Abilities,Age,and Who's your leader?"

"Well I have Fire and I can control all things that include fire I am 25"(Bryce)

"I have Water powers,I can make it rain and I can control everything that includes water I am 23"(Adrian)

"I have Nature powers,I am Mother Nature herself I can trap you in my most powerful vines I am 23"(Allison)

"I can throw a knife perfectly,i can run fast,and I am also known as a healer I can heal anyone with a snap of my finger and I am 20"(Breanna)

"I can control Fire,Water,Nature,Earth,Teleportation,Ice,Snow,and Weather,I can throw perfect kicks,judo flips,and punches which make me the strongest and Leader cause I started when I was 3 and that I am 18 years old which makes me the most strongest Director South sent us here to help some of you agents"(Victoria)

"Okay you all in Victoria you are in charge of all the agents who are coming with you"

" When will we meet them"Victoria asked

"Now,Can you teleport these people here?" I asked giving her a picture

" Yeah Sure"


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Also,i made a new book,it the story of my life (Me) the tittle is "Unforgettable Face,I Love Him/Her;UFILH" only if you wasn't to

Sorry if the chapter like only 1% Jelsa next next update I'll add more Jelsa

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