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"Hey, bitch, get your ass down here!" My 'dad' shouted.

I quickly grabbed my pen knife from a draw and shoved it in my pocket, then made my way downstairs.

"I'm here." I said, panting a little. I ran down the stairs. It's not because I'm unfit.

"Here is 20 quid. Go buy some booze. And be quick. If you take to long, you know what will happen." My 'mum' handed me the money and shoved me a little.

"I'll be back as soon as possible." I confirmed and turned to head out. "Or may be not at all." I muttered under my breath when I was out the house.

Instead of going to the store I heard towards the forest. I had thought about doing this for a long time. If I don't go through with this, I'd meet a fate worse than death. You would think I'm over exaggerating. I'm really not.

I reached the forest and just kept on walking. I didn't care. I just kept walking until I became tired. I walked over to a tree and sat down, leaning against it. I rolled up my sleeve and took the pen knife out my pocket. I made a few cuts, each time they got bigger. I was about to make another cut when someone ran past.

He stopped a few meters away then retraced his steps until he was facing me.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? You need to get away!" He questioned. He was odd. He was wearing a long coat over a brown suit with converse on his feet. The oddest part was the weird things he was holding. In one hand was a weird stick that was blue at one end. In the other was an oddly shaped whisk.

"Why are you holding a whisk?" I asked bluntly, rolling down my sleeve.

"It's not... It's not... It's not a whisk. Just come on we need to lea-" He was cut off by a strange robotic voice.

"EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!" It shouted, followed by a flash of light hitting a tree.

"Come on!" He held out his hand for me. I grabbed it, dropping the pen knife, and we ran from what ever that was chasing him. We kept running until we reached what ever a 'police public call box' was. He pulled out a key and pushed open the door letting me inside.

What the door opened up to was not what I was expecting. It was bigger on the inside. The room was slightly orange and had a console in the middle. I think he noticed me staring but didn't say anything because he was focusing on pressing countless buttons.

"I don't think this is what a police public call box is." I thought aloud. "This is too strange. I don't care what that thing was. I'm leaving." I walked over to the door to see I was no longer in the forest but in fact outer space. "Or maybe not." I closed the doors and walked back over to see he had calmed down a bit.

"Okay, sorry about that. Just a small Dalek invasion. Nothing big. They were about to be destroyed by a few trees being blown down by a storm that was on it's way. What's your name?" He asked.

"Dani." I answered plainly, getting over the fact there was an invasion going on and I was oblivious to it.

"Okay, Dani. Let's get you home. Where do you live?" He waited for me to answer.

"What if I don't want to go home?" I countered.

"Look, your parents are probably worried sick about where you are. You're only, what, fourteen? You should be at home. Living a nice life. Go to school. Hang out with your friends. Our what ever else you do."

"How can I live a nice life if my foster parents beat me? How can I go to school or have friends if I'm not allowed to go out side? I get locked in my room. I hardly ever get fed. The only thing I have is a laptop that I managed to keep after I watched my parents be murdered. And you know what? It was my fault they died. I have to live everyday knowing it's my fault they're dead. Do you know what that's like?" I felt my tears for in my eyes but I didn't let them out.

"Yes." He simply said. That was the last thing I thought he would say. "It's my fault my whole race is dead. The only difference between you and me is that I killed them."

"O-oh. I-I'm sorry. Sorry, I... I..." I just didn't know what to say. Then I realized what he said. "Wait, did you say race?"

"Ah, well, yeah. I did. You see, I'm a Time Lord. My name is the Doctor. This is the TARDIS. Time And Relative Dimension In Space. Basically it's a time machine that can also travel through space. It's bigger on the inside because of Time Lord science or magic or whatever you want to call it. Those things were Daleks but don't worry about them, if you stay with me you're sure to come across then again." The 'Doctor' explained.

"Okay. But if I'm staying with you, I have one condition. Never to go back there. Ever. Deal?" I held out my hands for him to shake.

"Deal." And he shook my hand.

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