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The sun rose on the city that became in ruins. The light revealed the destroyed cars everywhere. The chosen kids saw that from their seats on Eclipse.
Flash Back
Takuya: "they're looking for the data of a certain program!?"
Hajime : "yes, it seems this program is something that powerful since it was used before by evils."
Rina: "the problem is how to get to the island? All the ships are out of service."
Hiro: (sweatdropping) "Jack-san is not an option this time."
Jin: "then let's ask Yagami-san."
Kazu : "that's right! They should have finished working on Eclipse."
Haru : "um...what is this Eclipse anyway?"
Hiro: "you will see."
Rei: "who's this Yagami guy?"
Gatchmon : "we can't risk telling more people."
Ami: "he is our friend too, we can trust him."
Ran: "but shouldn't he be working with the prime minister? Would he be able to come and pick us?"
Takuya : "I'm sure he will. I will call him."
And he left the room.
Jin: "we need to decide who will go."
Arata : "eh! Aren't we all going?!"
Hackmon : "we can't, some of us should stay here. There still Digimons out there."
Haru : "then I will stay back here."
Yuujin : "I will stay with you."
Hajime : "I have no say in this."
He said turning to his older brother with a sweatdrop.
Eri: "I'm going."
Astra & Musimon: "of course we're going!"
Haru : "Rei-kun you should go, since what we are looking for is data, you'll be a great help."
Gouda: "I think I'm going."
Ami: "our best choices to go are Arata and Jin since they are familiar with the place."
Jin: "I'm not going."
Kazu : "eh! Why?!"
Jin: "I have something else to check on."
Rei: "then you should share it with us. If we like it or not, we're a team now, we should work together."
Astra: "oi, you're the one speaking of team work now! Who was the one who tried to take Leviathan alone?"
Rei: "one more word, and I will hack your AppTube channel and delete all your videos."
Astra: "oi Musimon, did you hear someone saying something about Rei?"
Musimon : "no~."
Rei: "well, we're hearing you..."
Jin: " based on what the old man said, there were some parts of the program that were discovered and used."
Arata: "do you think that one of those parts was used in the second world?"
Eri: " second world!?"
Zenon: " let's say that it's a cyber world, well, somehow."
Jin: " I think the part was used in the second world, and I know two persons that can tell me something about this."
Arata : "one is Mito-hakase, and the other..."
Zenon: "he should be Seredy."
Arata : "what! Do you intend to ask Seredy!?"
Jin: "it's better to know from the one who built the second world and the one who tried to take over it."
Ami: "are you sure you want to go alone? Maybe you should take someone of us with you."
Jin: "it's ok, I have Zenon."
Zenon: "I will make sure he will be ok."
Arata : "but, he should be in the most protected jail of Japan. How would you get there?"
Kazu : "for Kaidou Jin that's the last thing to worry about."
As soon as he finished his sentence, they heard a turbo motor sound. They turned to see through the window a fighter jet that was heading to the building.
Kazu: "and here his flight comes, why I'm not surprised!?"
Ami: (giggling) "because we saw this before."
She said then turned to the black and white haired boy.
Ami: "be careful."
He gave her a reassuring smile and nodded.
Astra: (sticking to the window) "wahaa! You have your own fighter jet, do I feel it?"
Musimon : "or not?"
Astra & Musimon: "we totally feel it."
Rina: "but when?"
Jin: "my butler was evacuated with everyone and was brought here. When I met him last night after we spoke with that old man, I asked him to go and bring the jet."
Eri : "he has a butler too!"
Jin: "anyway Rina-san, I'm leaving."
Rina: "ok, but just be careful, and don't push yourself, you're still injured."
He nodded and went out.
Rei: "what a boy!"
Gouda: "anyway, who will go else?"
Arata : "I'm going."
Sendou : "I'm going too."
They turned to him.
Gouda: "Sendou..."
Sendou : "what, I need to check on my sister."
Ami: "Kazu, I think we should go too."
Kazu : (rubbing the back of his neck) "I think so."
Takuya then entered.
Takuya : "I took it that Jin had left."
Rina: "yes, he need to check on something."
Takuya : "ok, Yagami will be here in 5 minutes. Get ready."
The eight of them were on the roof. They didn't have to wait too long before a giant assault stealth jet appeared to their sight.
Astra: "whaaa! Huge!"
Eri: "just what kind of matters you were involved with to know all those people, and all of them are important persons?!"
Rei: "just what are you people?"
Astra: "how would you know someone who has something like this!?"
Ami: "well, I think we should speak about it later."
End of Flash Back
Eri: (looking through the window) " I can't believe I'm flying in a giant fighter jet!"
Astra & Musimon: "we feel this!"
Ami: "that brings memories."
Sendou : "I hate to admit it but I kinda missed this jet."
" You and me both."
The door opened and a red haired man with yellow eyes came in.
Ami: "Yagami-san, long time no see."
Yagami : "it's good to see you again, and you too."
He turned to the three LBXs that were moving around.
Pandora: "it's nice to see you again, and I'm happy to be able to talk to you, I want to thank you for everything you did for Ami."
Achilles Deed: "but, aren't you surprised to see LBXs moving around and talking."
Yagami : (with a smile) "Takuya told me everything."
He turned to the applidrivers and the LBX players.
Yagami : "it seems that you're involved in a dangerous matter again."
Ami: "I think so..."
Arata: "ano... Yagami-san, how much until we reach the island."
Yagami : "I'm sorry but we didn't fix Eclipse completely, it will take us until night to reach there."
Arata : ' please everyone... please be ok...'

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