Put that plan in action

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Cherish POV**

the next morning I get up and head to the bathroom. i hop in the shower and wash my body. once I finished that I braided my hair in two French braids then I brush my teeth. once I was done I waited for city to come and get me.

after about a hour of waiting city comes and picks me up. the walk to my dads office was quite.. I guess city got the hint I didn't like him cause he didn't say one word to me. when I walked into my dads office he wasn't in there so I took it as my chance to look around. I went through cabinets and draws I even looked through his computer, i search for his Laptop but i couldn't find it.

I didn't know exactly what I was looking for but I just wanted some answers so anything that looked important to me I would take.

I went through all the files on my dads desk and came across some papers with my name on them so I took them and shoved them under my hoodie and in my sweats. as I kept looking around I grabbed some random papers just to look over when I was back in my room and I found some old mail that had the address on it. I shoved those under my clothes also.

from the corner of my eye I see my dad coming through the cameras. I quickly put everything the way it was and hop across his desk chair, I would've made a clean jump if it wasn't for my foot getting caught on the arm which made me fall.

the door knob started to twist and I notice that one of his cabinets aren't closed back so I hop back to my feet and close the cabinet and quickly drop down onto the couch that was right next to it.

when my father walked in my heart was beating a mile a minute. and I think I started to sweat bullet's.

boss: good afternoon cherish

he said as he walks towards me and gives me a hug I give him a fake smile in return then i sit back down.

boss: sorry I took so long, my food took awhile to come

cherish: its ok dad

he nods his head then sits in his chair and starts looking around on His desk. my heart starts beating so fast, I'm so nervous what if he realizes that papers are gone.

I watch as he keeps looking around His desk as I mentally speak to myself.

I hope he doesn't notice...please don't notice.

I'm hungry..
.cherish focus..my bad.

cherish: what are you looking for papa?

boss: this important...oh forget it I found it

he looks at me and smiles, I nod my head and then get up to leave. wait your leaving?.he asked

yeah. I say while scratching my head. but you didn't even ask me what you wanted to know. he says with his head cocked to the side. Ohh yeah...um never mind I forgot while I was waiting for you, I'll see you later. I quickly say as I walk out his office and back to my room.

I'm soo nervous..I just hope my dad doesn't realize that these papers I took are missing....

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