Justifying emotions - Part 1

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(Not proof-read)

Mahir was pacing in his room, with several thoughts going through his mind. Since six months now, only one person occupied his thoughts, and that person was his wife, Bela.

Their marriage had neither been an arranged one, nor a loved one. This was … well it was complicated. Was it a convenience mariage ? Or maybe a save-everybody's-faces one? One thing was clear, they didn't really have a name to put on it. The circumstances in which they got married was particularly abnormal and mostly unexpected.
Bela was supposed to get married to Yuvraj, Mahir's younger brother. While Mahir was a responsible and sweet man, Yuvi was care free and a roisterer. Being the youngest of three, Yuvi had always been pampered, so much, he became a spoilt brat. When he said he wanted to get married, everybody was shocked but pleased. Everyone thought he was ready to settle down and lead a marital one. Mahir had been the only one to be suspicious. When he first met Bela, Mahir had wondered, how a sweet and  respectful girl had agreed to marry Yuvi. He had befriended her and gotten to know. He had then learnt she was getting married, so his cousin Pratham could get married to the love of his life Suhani, who happened to be Bela's best friend. Yuvi had blackmailed her into marrying him, for he would do his best to ruin her best friend's wedding. Mahir had been furious but Bela had made him promise not to say anything. He was left with no choice but to let her decide for herself. Things had changed to the wedding day, when Yuvi had run away leaving a note behind, where he explained he didn't want to gwt married anymore as Bela wasn't what he wanted in a wife. The truth was Bela had never let me touch her and he had found a girl with whom he preferred having fun with. The Sehgals had been shocked and devastated but most of all, they were ashamed. Suhani's parents had made a fuss because they considered Bela as their own daughter. They also felt guilty because they had wanted both of them to get married at the same time. Bela's dad was the only one to be somehow relieved because he knew the other reason his daughter said yes to this match and he always felt guilty about it. In front of Suhani's parents refusal to let her wedding happen, Mahir had stepped in without consulting his parents and had asked to Bela. She had been shocked when he had asked for her hand. She, at first, had been angry but when he had clarify the situation to her, she had listened. First of all, he hadn't want his parents to lose face in society, neither the girls' parents for that matter. And when he told her he was aware of her father's financial problems and that Yuvi had blackmailed her with that too, Bela has been dumbstruck. Mahir had ensured her, he had settled everything beforehand because he hadn't wanted her to feel belittled when she'd entered the family. He also gave her rhe assurance, he never forced her into whatever she wasn't ready for and that the decision was all hers. Bela had been amazed by this man in front of her, ready to sacrifice his life for his parents and in a ways, for her owns too. She had agreed to marry him, but had said she was doing so for her family, and specially her best friend.
Neither of them were in love with each other and had learnt to be cordial towards the other one. But they both had agreed to keep their situation to themselves and not let their families know about it. Nobody was dumb though and knew both Mahir and Bela weren't like a normal couple. It was more difficult for Bela and she couldn't be blamed.
That's how their marital life started and they were both accommodating. Mahir had been okay with it . More time passed, both of them were getting used to each other and cared for each other. They were beginning to be good friends. Till today.

Mahir was confused. He couldn't understand what was happening to him. Well he didn't want to understand it, because he knew whatit implied and he wasn't sure they were ready for this, especially Bela. He was in this predicament because Yuvi's friend Rehaan was back in town and as by chance, he found he was being to close to his wife. He couldn't understand how they were this familiar to each other. Whatever the reason was, it made him see red. For now, he didn't want to admit he was jealous because he knew it'd meant he was falling desperately and irrevocably in love with his wife.

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