Justifying Emotions - Part 6

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(Not proof-read)

Later that evening, Mahir finished work at a reasonable time and made his way home. He had lied to everyone when he said he had a lot of work to do. He considered it as a half lie. He indeed was very busy, but he used that as an excuse to skip the dinner. He was in no mood to be around everyone, especially Rehaan and Bela, and make as if everything was fine when it was totally the contrary. He had lost his cool yesterday and had been a brute towards his wife, and he didn't want that to happen again. He never knew he could ever react this way. He knew he had lost his temper because he was falling for her. Heck! Who was he kidding? He had already fallen for her, hard. He's been annoyed ever since Rehaan came to their place, and it was barely three days. He wasn't even sure he doubted Bela. He just knew he didn't like her to be close to this guy and he needed to know why she was. He had given her a choice to make and he didn't know if he'd be able to accept her decision. The discussion they had yesterday night after he had calm down, had appeased him. He knew Bela cared for him and he, few times, saw the love for him in her eyes. But he had also seen the care she has for Rehaan, and this made him insecure. That's why he had decided to go fetch Anu this morning. She was the dude's sister and would know him best. Anu was their friend since childhood, but they were not really acquainted with Rehaan. When he was adopted, the Mittals had moved to another city and when they used to meet, Rehaan would get closer to Yuvi than him. Not like Mahir helped either, for he was such introvert. His discussion with Anu had been useless, if not angered him more. Anu had told him Rehaan never had a girlfriend and she suspected there's a girl who has always been dear to his heart, but she couldn't say whom that was. This gave him several thoughts again but he decided to put them aside and wait from Bela to tell him her answer.

When he arrived home, the whole house was plunged into darkness. It was weird to find the house, normally so alive, so silent. He directly made his way to his room and lit on the lights. He had somehow hoped Bela wouldn't go because he wasn't going, but he was dejected to find the room quiet . He stayed on the threshold and sighed.

"Maybe I should have gone to that dinner finally!" he said aloud frustrated, imagining what Bela must be doing there. He was sure that Rehaan was stuck to her like glue.

"Why? Because Anu asked so sweetly? " Bela asked.

She had been in the bathroom when he came and he hadn't heard her. Mahir who thought he was alone, jumped hearing a voice and dropped his phone. He turned in her direction and looked at her with big eyes.

"God damn it woman! You scared the hell out of me! What are you doing here?"

Though Bela was annoyed, his reaction amused him and she burst out laughing out loud. Mahir, who was totally frightened a while back, picked up his phone and closed the door. He stared at her and was mesmerized. Seeing her laugh, he smiled.

"You should laugh more often. You are beautiful when you do." He complimented her making her blush.

"Why are here?" he asked. Despite being confused, he was absolutely pleased she stayed back.

"Why should you have gone to the dinner finally?" Bela counter-attacked.

"You didn't answer my question,Bela."

"Neither did you." Bela replied stubbornly.

Mahir dropped his night clothes on the couch and turned to face her. This was confusing him.

"What's going here? Is this going to turn out into an argument again?"

"Not if you answer my question."

"Oh and if you do not answer, it is okay?"

They both stared at each other defiantly and Mahir was the first one to give up.

"Bela," he asked, "I am lost here. What's wrong?"

"Should you have gone because Anu asked you to come?"

Mahir was taken aback, now that he understood what she meant. Yet, his heart skipped a beat, when he realized she was jealous. A smirk adorned his face.

"What's funny?" Bela asked irritated, but Mahir moved towards her, making her take steps back, till her back hit the wall.

"Why are you asking about the dinner?"

"Because I want to know. That's all.".

"I think you are jealous Bela." Mahir told her, chuckling.

"Oh, and you weren't maybe?"

Mahir stared at her. He knew his behavior hadn't helped, but he hadn't expect her to voice it out. When he noticed she didn't deny her jealousy, he took a step closer till their noses were almost touching and decided to be bold.


By her body language, he could tell she hadn't expected him to be straightforward either.

"I cannot bear seeing you close to this guy and it's been driving me mad seeing him glued to you every single time."

"That's because he is very special and close to me." Bela justified.

Mahir tensed. That was not the answer he was waiting for. He took a step back but Bela hold his hand to make him stay close.

"I do not love him Mahirji. I mean I do, but not how you think it is."

Bela was having a hard time with this whole situation and she knew she was confusing him more.

"Look, about yesterday, whatever you wanted to know, I am here to make everything clear. I am not in love with Rehaan, he is just a friend. I don't want out of this marriage. I don't even know why you would suggest that. I didn't go tonight, mostly because I knew you wouldn't feel good about it. You'd keep wondering what we were doing there together and go mad about it. "

Mahir released a breath he didn't know he was holding and relaxed. He was glad to hear that from her and he felt assured. But something she said, got him worried.

"What do you mean by mostly?"

"What? Mahirji! From everything I just told you, that the only thing you're focusing on??" Bela was dumbstruck by this man.

"I've heard it all Bela and I got it. It's okay, relax. Now your turn to answer my questions? What do you mean by mostly? Is something else wrong?" Mahir asked concerned.

Bela never got time to answer his questions because everybody was back from the dinner. Sumitra came knocking at their door and asked them to come downstairs immediately. She had some good news she couldn't wait to share anymore and she knew it was going to change their lives.

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