Justifying Emotions - Part 3

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(Not proof-read)

Later in the day, Bela was in her room doing her usual chores. Her mind had been occupied by Mahir all day, and she was frustrated. She was surprised when Kuhu knocked her door.

“Can I talk to you Bela?” she asked.

‘‘Yes of course. Come on in.’’

After closing the door behind her, Bela invited to sit on the couch and took a place next to her.

‘‘What happened? Is everything okay?’’

Bela could see, she was ill at ease. She wondered if she had figured something was wrong between Mahir and her.

“Uhh, well Bela I wanted to ask. Are you okay with Anu coming here? I mean, going and coming all day is a thing, and staying here is another thing. Won't you be uncomfortable with her around?”

Bela stared at her in awe. During the six months she was here, she had gotten used to everybody and she had somehow learnt to know them. With Kuhu, she had some troubles at first but afterwards, she had finally gotten to know her. Being the only girl of the family, she was always pampered and always got what she wanted. That didn't turn her into a spoilt brat though. She was sensible and fair. She had been affected when her big brother had stepped in , to marry Bela. She really loved Mahir and was afraid he had been forced into this marriage. When Mahir had given her an explanation, she had understood amd accepted his decision.  Being the older one, Mahir felt responsible of the family's reputation. Who would want to marry his little sister if they heard one brother had run away on his wedding day? Knowing how both Bela and Mahir were somehow sacrificing themselves for their family, she had known they were meant for each other. Despite Anu being her best friend, she knew she wasn't mean for her sweet brother.

Bela knew somehow she was asking her opinion because deep down , she was worried about her brother. She feared Anu's arrival would be a problem for the couple.

“Kuhu, I absolutely don't mind her coming here. Afterall, she's like a family member here and she's your best friend. I don't have to be uncomfortable because I know she won't talk to me. She totally made it clear last time,she didn't like me at all.” Bela laughed.

“I know Bela, but I also know how she is. She will do everything to annoy you and keep lurking around Mahir.”

“Look Kuhu, I don't have a problem with her talking to Mahir. Afterall, you are all friends and know each other for a long time.” Bela said but deep inside, she knew maybe that would irk her at some point.

“Okay then, if you are saying so.” Kuhu wasn't at all convince though. ‘‘I just hope she won't go to far. And I also want to tell to tell you, please don't mind if I don't het to talk to you much. ’’ she looked down almost ashamed.

‘‘Oh Kuhu. Don't worry at all about this. I know she is your best friend and the friendship solidarity is a must.’’ Bela joked to lighten the atmosphere.

“I know when she's here, you will have to spend time with her. I don't … ”

A knock on the door interrupted them and they were both confused.

“Bela, you are in great demand today.” Kuhu teased while going to open the door.

“What are you doing here ?”

Rehaan was standing at the door and hadn't expected to see her here.

“It is Bela's room so obviously I've come to talk to her.” he retorted.

“Whatever. Bela I'll talk to you later.” Kuhu glared at Rehaan and then went away.

“Uffo what was that?” Bela smacked him on his arm, after closing the door.

“Ouch that hurts. And I panicked.” he said sheepishly.

‘‘Oh God Rehaan! You will have to summon up your courage someday and tell her how you feel. Come let's sit.’’

‘‘I know yaar, but I don't know how to. I feel so intimidated when it comes to her and it's not like your husband is of any help. Have you seen how he's glaring at me since I came here?’’

‘‘Well that's totally another matter.’’ Bela mumbled.


“Nothing. Look, I don't think Mahir will have an issue about it when he finds out.”

“Oh ho! Defending your lovely husband!” he joked, making him earn another smack from her.

‘‘Shut up will you? By the way, I wanted to ask you, why aren't as close to Mahir and Kuhu as you were with Yuvraj? ’’ Bela asked him.

‘‘Mahir has always been the introvert type and barely made friends. About Kuhu, I just told you when it came to her, I always felt intimidated. And you know how Yuvi is. Always friendly and accessible.’’

“And you never told any of them here how you know me? ” Bela was confused because nobody here knew she was very well acquainted with Rehaan.

‘‘No, I never did.’’ he said sighing, ‘‘When I was adopted by mom and dad, I knew another life was starting. They wanted me to start afresh and forget the past. I mean afterall I was barely 14 and already an orphan. I would be having parents onve again and a new sister! I know they wanted the best for me. But was forgetting who I was and where I came from, really what was best? So i decided I wouldn't let them know about that part of my life. You were my best friend afterall ! I was already sad I had to leave town and leave you behind , and they wanted me to forget all about it! Our friendship was our little secret and the only thread I had from the past and I wouldn't share it with anybody.’’

Bela was emotional on hearing his reasons and held his hand tight. Rehaan had been her best friend since childhood, and even though they had to live miles apart at one point, their friendship had survived. Feeling Rehaan was lost again in the past, she decided lighten up the atmosphere.

“Well I mostly think, you indeed forgot about me and made a new best friend , as in your sweet sister Anu?” Bela held her heart, faking she was hurt.

“Oh shut up woman! What's wrong with you?” Rehaan grabbed a pillow and shoved it in her face, making her laugh out loud.

That's how Mahir saw them when he entered his room after work. He was furious and clenched his fists. When they finally noticed him, both Bela and Rehaan got up from the couch, their laughter dying in their throats. A look at her husband was enough for Bela to know, she was in deep trouble.

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