For the love of a Sister

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  • Dedicated to Madeline Thompson, or (BEN)

Ben had only been "dead" for a short time when his father had brought a new born baby girl to join the Moon Children. She was his blood sister, Belle. Ben knew his father was insane, and wanted to protect her knowing they had come from the same mother and father, he was her brother and he was obligated to protect her.

Every third night, their father would leave her with the other Moon Children and be gone for several days. Three to be exact. It was always three days.

The Moon Children knew Ben's secret. His father had drowned him just for fun and he was known as BEN Drowned to all of them.

Every time the father left, BEN would come from hiding and raise his little sister Belle, or as her father had once called her, Belarus.

BEN lived secretly, knowing that if his father knew about his new "life" and "powers" he would use them for his own benefit. Even though he already had that mask.

Every day, BEN was there with her, helping her and watching her grow. He was happy with his secret life.

But when Belle, or BEL as she was called to honor her brother's name. was two months old, things went all wrong.

BEL was the most beautiful and lovable baby girl any brother could hope for. "She looks so much like her big brother",the Moon Children would have told you, "she even acts like him some too". She rarely cried or made a huge mess. She was kind of quiet, with a few burst of baby moods here and there. Unless the father was around, or there was a thunderstorm.

BEN loved her more than anything and vowed to never let anything happen to her, especially what happened to him.

BEN thought he had all his father's return times. Three days here, three days gone was his normal routine. When he left, BEN emerged and took BEL from one of the waiting Moon Children. None of them would dare tell the father in fear of meeting a terrible fate and hoped to keep BEL from meeting one herself. But one day, BEN was sitting under the big tree with the other moon children and Belle when a figure approached the tree.

"Ah, BEN, raising my next victim behind my back are we?" He laughed as he snatched the infant from his arms and laughed darkly.

BEN was horrified.

"Well, that's not very polite. Like stealing a valuable mask or stealing another beings life. Didn't I teach you better?"

BEN stood up, frightened for his sister's life and panicked as the other Moon Children ran away in fear. Belle began to scream and cry loudly as thunder collapsed in the distance and the sky fell dark with gray clouds.

"W-what are you gonna do to her?"

The man laughed again.

As he walked away, thirteen year old BEN tried to beg and pry the baby the baby from his arms.

"Please, father! I'll do anything!"

The man stopped and spoke without looking at BEN.

"Alright, if you can scare this boy, Link, into getting me my mask back, I'll let her live and you can raise and take care of her."

BEN nodded and immediately set off to complete his father's task. Three days was all he had.

BEN tried and worked his hardest and terrorized Link, who surprisingly looked just like him, into getting his father's mask back quickly. And it only took him a day, or so to fulfill this completely, or so he thought. With the day gone by, BEN went to his father hoping that everything was alright. By the looks of the Moon Children's faces, he knew something wasn't exactly "right". The thunderstorm from the day before continued to rage with no signs of stoping as the Mask Salesman tortured BEN, Link and unforgivably, BEL.

At the end of the day, he ran to the father.

"I did it! I completed it!"

"You did not complete my task, son." He said.

"I did everything you said! Please!"

"Oh but it's already too late." He said as he pointed to the small infant body, wrapped in a yellow blanket, floating on the shore of the bay. The thunderstorm been a raging for two days, which BEN knew caused his sister much fear and pain being so young.

"Belle!" BEN yelled.

"It's BEL." The father said darkly, making the sound of her name short and sinister, but BEN didn't want to listen. He just ran out to his sister hoping he could save her.

Luckily, the bay was special. If you died there, you would live a new life as a special and gifted person, or maybe a mask. But you would have a curse placed on you when done so.

When BEN reached the body, it was to late. BEL Drowned.

He brought her to the shore and sobbed as he held her in the sand. She was cold as ice and pale.

BEN knew she would be like him and went on to complete the Sales Man's task anyways, hoping to release some of his anger. As he did, he used the words of his father, "You shouldn't have done that" and "you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?". The rest he would hope to ease later.

A month later, BEN was still not over what had happened and the trauma had imbedded the fears of losing his sister again in his mind. He had even started to make a living off of terrorizing, hacking and traumatizing others, he even did it for fun.

He had found an abandoned house in the far, hidden part of ClockTown and Termina field. The hose was so remote, the approach of a visitor shocked BEN.

The visitor was a tall man with purple skin and many familiar markings on his body. The marks of a specific ancient mask.

He approached BEN and told him that his name was Majora, and he was the soul trapped inside the mask. He told BEN that his father used the Song of Healing to change him into a mask and gave him many dark powers centuries ago.

He told BEN not to be alarmed by him, for he was not a threat. There was still evil left in him, but the difference was more than noticeable. He also said that like BEN, he would be unable to give up his mischievous ways, because it's the only life either of them seemed to know. This trait even later on carried over to the little sister, BEL, as a part of who she would become in the future.

Majora thanked BEN and Link for freeing him from his curse. When BEN asked where his father had gone, Majora simply said, "to do what he always has."

Majora said that because he now had such a strong connection to Termina, he would stay. He, BEN and BEL became close friends and were the trouble makers of Termina. But it took BEN some time before he would let his sister go anywhere without him by her side. He loved his sister and did all he could to protect a she like any other brother would.

BEN made many friends traveling the worlds with his sister. Including others who had met a terrible fate just like them.

BEL grew up just as happy as any baby would. The only memories she held from that fateful night was the eerie laughter of her demented father, the raging thunderstorm and the rushing of the water in her ears and fear of water.

Every time a storm came, she would become terrified and cry, but lucky for her, BEN knew just what to do and would sing a lullaby that often calmed her down. BEN was always careful not to scare his sister to much and made sure that she was always safe with him. He would never let her go.

At only a few months old, BEL was crawling through phones, TVs and computers. BEN even had to hack the systems to keep her from going through the wrong servers. She later learned to hack and would even help BEN with what he did best. Not to mention she was very good at video games being six months old and hadn't even said her first words yet. BEN was always proud.

Though BEN had traveled all the worlds, looking for his father to avenge his and his baby sister's death, the man was never to be found. But, to this day he continues to sell his rare and valuable masks all around the worlds, but will never return to Termina, or at least not with BEN and BEL's knowing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2014 ⏰

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