Chapter One

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Welcome to Cherry Oak High.

On any other day of the year, you'd find amalgamations of clique upon clique upon clique, but today all that seemed to clutter the hollow halls were confused first years. And they wonder why we hate them.

What was today though, you may ask? It was the first day back after summer break, which means the usual coffee-filled sleep-deprived ghosts of bored teenagers glued to their phones had been replaced by bubbly happy people, trying their best to fit in. I, unfortunately, did not match this such stereotype. I was not one for first impressions.

My name is Naomi Winters. I am an outsider, but everybody knows my name. I'm the resident drama queen, and I pretend I don't care but I really do. That's about all there is to know about me at this point.

And all at once, through the bustling halls and every voice that dared be audible, one sound cut through everything like a chainsaw through cardboard and united every person in those corridors. This was - of course - the familiar chimed ringtone of a new update on Cherry Oak's school gossip app, the sound that made every pair of hands desperately grab for a phone, and unlock it as soon as their trigger fingers could manage to open the lockscreens, like hungry vultures descending on the carcass of whatever poor unfortunate soul got their secrets splashed on the front page today.

I was not afraid to join them.

The air was cold, and it had seemingly penetrated the pockets of my ripped jeans, because my fingers almost faltered as they seized my phone. As the familiar clicking of my acrylics on the screen filled the air, I felt the corners of my mouth curl up slightly - a rare occurrence - which promptly transformed into a hungry, eager stare as my ravenous eyes consumed today's scandals. The summer issue was always a big one, which is why people like me only usually read the front page.

After scanning over the meaningless drama that we'd all obsess over for the rest of the day, my combat boots were confidently finding their way through all the neanderthals to pretty much the only decent people in the school, my 'clique', if we really must call it that.

I admired the gentle smirk that crossed Skye's face as she saw me approaching.

"Hey, losers." My greeting was usually as affectionate, while I dumped my stuff on the floor and plonked myself on the makeshift pillow that my coat had become. They knew I loved 'em really.

"Hey Nai." Skye did not look up from her sketches as she spoke, but she meant well. Skye and I were the closest in the group, with Grace also nestled pretty tight too.

Thomas - on the other hand - even managed a smile as he spoke, looking me in the eyes. "Naomi, you're looking... something, today."

Thomas and I had sort of a weird dynamic. Mostly because of Skye and I. He and Skye were best friends, him and I were best friends, but Skye and I both liked him, and we were best friends too. They're dating. She didn't know about my little 'crush', but she didn't need to. I was happy to let her have him, even matchmade them. Plus, I had an amazing boyfriend.

"Gee, thanks Tommy." A smile snaked onto my lips, accompanied by a playful eyeroll. "You're a charmer."

He shot me a look, before laughing a little, and looking around the group. "Did anyone else read today's gossip?"

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