Chapter 6: The Talk/Creeper

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Jaylin's POV

Wow I cant believe this idiot came here but you know Im gonna enjoy myself because there's nothing but love that surrounds me. Now to go enjoy myself would be super nice.

Babe you remember that time when we were kids and we used to sneak outside just to hangout with the older kids, I asked. Yeah I do and you were like the shortest thing in the world, Phil replied. Ehh dont bring that up and I still am short, I said as I pushed him on the bed.

I started to kiss him and we both were enjoying it but. We stopped because we wanted to go downstairs for a little while and chill with the family and friends.

Hey there goes my little meatball, my mom said as she hugged me. Hii mom again, I replied. Jaylin you look wonderful, my aunt Mary said. Aww thanks Te-Te Mary, I replied. Hey you over there, Selene yelled as she signaled me to come over. Hey there Selene, I said. Now you know you digging that guy, she said as she pointed to Phil. Ehh he's alright, I replied as we both giggled. Hey you wanna go with in the pool with everyone, she asked. Sure lets do this, I said.

I looked over and I saw Justin staring at me. Then Phil noticed me looking at the fact the he was looking at me. Phil gave me a nod and I knew I was okay. I never knew Justin was so creepy at the beginning of our relationship or whatever it was but now I know. So im just gonna ignore him and have fun. As I'm taking off my shirt I hear so much whistling from the guys.

Hey baby take it off, Phil yelled. I smiled because he's so adorable. Hey Phil my boy dont forget mom and dad is right here, my dad replied. Dad I think he knows your here since we are at home, I replied. Sorry, Phil said as he laughed. Cannonball, I yelled as I jumped into the pool. Hey Phil whatcha doing, Shaleigh asked. Oh nothing just standing here, he responded. Hmm okay, she said as she pushed him in the pool.

Everyone was pretty much enjoying their selves. It was so many people there almost like a family reunion.

Hey babe, Phil said. Hey, I said. I love you, he said as he picked me up. I love you too, I replied as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Hey Jaylin, Jade called out. Yeah babes, I responded. Can you stay the night over, she asked. Umm yeah sure, I replied. Yay thanks and Justin keeps staring at you, Jade said as she looked at him at the corner of her eye. Fuck, I mumbled. Okay Jade just go over by Cameron or Troy, I said. Phil, Justin keeps staring at me and if he stare at me one more fucking time I might go crazy, I said. Dont worry I got this, he said as he got out of the pool.

Punk's POV

Im having a great time and it seems like everyone else is too. Except Justin keeps staring Jay. Dude is a freaking creep. Maybe its time to give him a talk.

Hey dude, I said. Hey Punk, Justin said. Look I'm not here to be buddies with you or even become your friend but I'd appreciate if you stop staring at my girl, I said. Yeah okay I get where you coming from, he replied. Obviously not that she dumped you and you wanna appear in her life after this long, I said. Ha wow okay asshole, he said. Look you dipshit I really dont have the time for low down people like you and oh yeah you see that lovely girl over there who you tried to hurt but if you ever touch her I will break your face and oh yeah she's mine, I said as I walked away.

I looked over at Jaylin and smiled because shes right where she belongs with me. Thats the girl who I love with my heart and soul the one I wanna marry someday. Denver came beside me and patted my shoulder.

Hey Phil boy guess what, Denver said. What, I asked. Im thinking moving to London with Tom, she said. Wow nice, I said. I'm telling her later, she replied. Ha okay, I said.

A couple hours went by and was sitting at the tables. I sat beside Jaylin and Denver. Then John came in super late because of work and we greeted him with some hellos and crap.

Well this is a toast to my baby girl Jade Clariese for coming home, Selena said. Cheers, everyone said. Hey Punk dude gives me the creeps, John came over and whispered. Man dudes crazy, I responded. I can tell and now I really dont want you to leave Jaylin here by herself, he said. She will be fine after all she is a fighter, I replied.

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