Chapter 14: Jealousy

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Jaylin's POV

*Two Months Later*

I've been the road with Phil for the last two months. My baby bump is huge and I'm always on bed rest or I have to sit down like every second. Being on RAW and Smackdown is very fun. The only thing that bothers me that one of Phil's ex's keeps staring at me.

Phil, I called. Uhh yeah, he responded. Can you open the door. I have like the majority of your things, I replied. Ahh Jay your not superwoman and the Dr. Adams said stop trying to carry a lot of heavy things, Phil fussed. Ehh okay, I said as I rolled my eyes. Now you know you have to come out and say hello to the WWE Universe for the first time, Phil stated as he put on his attire. Yes I do but I'm so nervous, I replied. It will be fine, he smirked.

We walked out of his dressing room. It was next to John's. I actually tried to avoid him the last few months but it didn't work. I ended up talking to John again even though his acting like an ass kisser to me at the moment. Ehh that bugs me.

Come here lovely, Phil said as he grabbed my hand and wrapped his arm around me. Hey whats up with all of this PDA today, Natalya said.

Well Natalya or Natalie and me has built a friendship. She's a pretty cool person its just Beth which is Phil's ex. She's always making smart remarks after I say something to anyone. I can tell she doesnt like me. Blah.

Well he's excited that I'm coming out with him tonight, I stated. I'm sure am, Phil responded. Hm what about you, she asked. No I am nervous as hell, I replied. I was too when I made my debut but you'll get used to it, she said. Oops sorry, Beth said as she walked in between me and Phil. Ugh really Beth that is so freaking pointless, Phil said. Well it wasn't to me, she smirked and walked way.

I cant wait till I have my kids so I can drag her, I yelled so she could hear me. Jaylin Nicole your a piece of work, Phil sighed. Well I didn't take karate for nothing, I replied. Your so violent to be pregnant, Natalya said. Well I love it, Phil said.

So Phil and I came to the curtain. I got so nervous because I've never been in front of a large crowd but in one.

You nervous, Phil said as he looked at me. Yeah, I said. Follow me, Phil said as he held my hand.

It relighted a spark that I've been missing. I heard Phil's music cue up and Josh Mathews introducing us. We walked out together. I was pretty shy so I smile and shook the fans in the crowd hands as I walked down the ramp.

Well you know who she is, Phil said. Yes yes yes, chants began. Jay say hello they wont bite, Phil stated. Ehh Hi you guys, I smirked. See that wasn't so bad, he replied.

I heard Beth Phoenix music cue up and she came running down the ring. I wanted to punch her lights out.

Well look at what we have her the Mrs. and the Mr.Brooks and oh the fairytale wedding she's always dreamt of look at what we have here, Beth said as it showed various photos from the wedding. Read this, Eyes on the bride, she rambled on.

She kept rambling on and on so I got tired.

Would you please shut the hell up, I yelled kind of mimicking Chris Jericho. Phil laughed and pointed at her. Now would you get out of the damn ring and leave me the hell alone I can also tell you Phil is with me so you can stop staring at me and walking through me and my husband and picking with me, I said. Umm let me think about that no, she stated. You know what you jealous son of a bitch, I stepped up and slapped her face. Now bitch like I said leave the ring, I added.

She grabbed her face and gasped and ran out of the ring. The crowd went wild as I just sat in the middle of the ring mocking Phil's or should I say CM Punk's sitting fashion.

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