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What just happened?! What are those girls talking about!? Why would any guy "take an interest in me"? I'm so confused that I collapse, sitting on the green scratchy grass. What's going on? How do they know anything about well, anything!? I've never really noticed any boys, or really cared. And now some guy is trying to find out about me? Trying to calm down, I put my head between my knees and attempt to take deep breaths. Ok Clove let's go over their words carefully again, just to make sure.

After I did a long exhausting race with my trainer I was panting by a tree, trying to catch my breath when this group of girls came up and crowded around me. The kind of girls that if you weren't pretty enough they automatically treated you like garbage, they flirted with all the guys at school and they were just average at weaponry. They all looked about the same, tall, blonde, blue eyes, curvy figure.

And then there's me, small in size, long black hair, and hazel eyes. Didn't exactly fit in. But I wasn't really ugly so for most, I was ignored. Until now.

"Hey! Hey you!" One of them yelled as they strutted slowly over to me. First I thought, what do they want? Trying to be taller I straightened up against the tree and stuck my nose in the air to try and look superior.

"Well?" I asked when they all jammed up close to me. "Are you gonna actually say something?"

They weren't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawers, so they weren't used to someone talking back to them, they seemed impressed. But didn't look like they were here to just bully.

"All WE were doing was being nice friends and telling you that a certain someone has a crush on you," one of the girls said raising her eyebrows up and down.

I was freaked out by two things. One, when were they ever my friends? And when were they ever nice? Second, what do they mean someone has a crush on me? That someone likes me!?

"What are you talking about?" I asked incredulously.

"You've heard of Cato before right?" A girl from the side questioned.

"No, why?"

"Why?! Well because he's sort of a big deal!"

"Yeah! He's like the best guy in all the District! His dad is Brutus! He can kill a dozen people in 30 seconds! And wrestle someone to death in like 2 seconds!"

"Yeah! And he's a sword-play prodigy! He's been training with it since he was like 1 and 1/2!"

"A couple days ago, he threw some guy into a target with one arm just because he didn't respond to what he said! He also once broke someone's arms and legs just for accidentally knocking into him! He had to stay in a cast for 6 months!"

"And I heard he nearly killed a guy when he was doing a punching exercise. A boy got in the way of his punching bag and he almost died from just one punch!"

"Aside from all, that he's super cute! He has like short blonde hair, super super tall, and handsome blue eyes," Then, all of them suddenly got this dreamy expression and stared up at the sky.

"Ok and how does this have anything to do with me?" I ask into their blank faces and they awaken from their fantasy.

"Obviously he's the one who has a crush on you!" The girls answer, " I have no idea why, but the last couple days there have been rumors that he's been talking about you!"

What? He has... A crush on me? But...why? Overwhelmed by the news I crash back into the tree for support and grasp at my chest. My breathing quickens along with my heart rate. Heat floods my cheeks, making my head cloudy with embarrassment. Then confusion quickly turns into anger. Why does he want to know something about me!? Who said he could!? I bet he just wants to know... Something! But it's not because he likes me! Does it have to do with the trial? How could have possibly known about that? How do these girls know anything?

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