5 - Breathe and Relax

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   "You need to have a somewhat normal life, Chloe." Isaac tosses his shirt to the corner of his room and picks a long sleeved one at random from his drawer. 

   I bite my thumbnail. I stretch my legs out on his bed. "That's impossible right now. We need to find Erica and Boyd. A normal life is not on my to-do list right now." 

   Isaac pulls the light blue shirt over his head. "Look, Derek has an idea of how to get some of my memories back, but we're not doing it until morning. You can go out and have a normal life for now."

   "But, a party?" I complain. 

   "Scott said it was Stiles' idea."  Isaac shrugs, flopping down on his bed by me. He rolls over on his back. A yawn escapes from his mouth. "Now, they are on their way to come get you and I'm going to bed."

   "Why do you trust them so much? You don't trust anyone."  I poke him in the side. 

   He jumps from my prodding finger. "I don't know. I just- I trust Scott as much as I trust Derek- maybe more." 

   I tilt my head to the side, the sound of Stiles' jeep pulling up outside. "They're here."

   "Have fun."

 Stiles squints at the two of us under the the street lamps. "Would you two just smile or something?" 

   I keep my gaze on the sidewalk as we walk towards where the party is supposed to be. During the whole ride, Scott and I were silent. Stiles tried to keep up a conversation, but after he kept only recieving one word replies, he decided to just let the radio fill the silence. I have no interest in going to this party. What I don't understand is why we had to park so far away. I guess the girl who was having this told Stiles to park there.

   Scott simply just stares at the ground, hands buried deep in his jean pockets. I can't help but wonder what has him so silent. Hopefully, it's not Allison. I'm getting tired of hearing about her.That's one of the ways Derek and I bonded so much over summer. We both can't stand the Argent Family.

   "What?" Stiles gives Scott a curious look. 

   "What, what do you mean, "what"?" Scott retorts back. 

   "I mean "what," and you know what." 

   ""What" what?"

   "That look you were giving." Stiles finally gets to the point. 

   Scott looks away from Stiles. "I didn't give a look."

   "Oh, there was a distinct look, Scott." Stiles disagrees with him and nudges me in the side. "Much like the look Chloe has."

   Scott glimpses over  at me on the other side of Stiles. "What look?" 

   "The look that says that the last thing you feel like doing right now is going to a party." Stiles explains to both of us, even though I am only half listening. 

    "It's not that-" Scott begins.

   I shake my head, looking up for the first time. "Oh, no. It's that. I don't do parties."

   Scott shoots me a side smile before swiveling his head back to Stiles. "It just seems weird going to a different high school's party."

   "What? Would you..." Stiles talks with his hands, groaning. "God, one drink, all right? You'll be fine. I went to nursery school with this girl, okay? She promised to introduce us to all of her friends. So tonight, no Allison, no Lydia. Tonight, we're moving on." 

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