25 - It's Over

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        "Gross, Stiles." My nose wrinkles at the disgusting thought that has infiltrated my mind. The elevator dings, as we arrive to the floor that Allison lives on. The doors slide open and I follow everyone out of the small elevator. "Just grab anything, but his boxers. I am not putting my nose anywhere near that- and neither is Scott." Scott smiles in appreciation when I include him. "Just- Okay, fine. We- We can deal with socks." 

        The call ends with Stiles saying something about how he grabbed a handful of his dad's socks and the sound of the phone hitting the ground. I'm assuming he was trying to carry too many socks and dropped everything. Scott's hand is held out for me to give his phone back to him. 

        "What about me?" Isaac asks the two of us. 

        Allison unlocks her apartment door, walking down the hallway and to her dad's office. "See what you can find in my dad's closet. Anything with the strongest scent." She stumbles to a halt, eyes wide at whatever is inside of the office. 

        "Quite an arsenal your father's got here, young lady." 

        Scott gives me a worried look when he hears his father's voice. What is he doing here? Scott steps in the view of the doorway, peering inside. I move to follow him, but Isaac grabs my arm, keeping me from being seen. 

        "Scott." Agent McCall addresses his son. 

         "What are you doing here?" Scott's face is blank.

        "Following one of the only leads I have. Now, since I don't know where you've been, why don't you have a seat and we can talk?" Agent McCall says.

        Isaac holds a finger to his lips. If those two get stuck here then Isaac and I will go meet up with Stiles. Someone needs to find them. 

        "You too, Chloe, Isaac." Agent McCall raises in voice in the office. 

        My mouth falls open. How did he know we were here? Isaac shrugs. I poke my head around the corner. Isaac stands behind me, in view of Agent McCall. Agent McCall isn't the only one in the room. There are two men in police uniforms standing on either side of the desk. The desk is filled with every gun and weapon that the Argent's own.

        "How do you know our names?" Isaac asks.

        "Your names are one of the few things I know. To be honest, the rest of what's going on around here has me stumbling in the dark, even over the smallest clue." Agent McCall shrugs. The FBI badge around his neck captures my attention. He's being completely serious here. 

        Scott's hand brushes over my thigh, as he walks past Allison and I to step in the office. "If you're trying to tell me that you don't have a clue, I learned that a long time ago."

        Isaac and I move to fill up the doorway, standing side by side. 

        "I'm really hoping to avoid the embarrassment of dragging my own son into an interrogation room, really hoping." Agent McCall says to his son. His hands wave to the two cushioned seats in front of him. "I think you guys should sit."

        Scott looks back at the three of us with a pained expression. We have no choice. Scott is the first one to take the first seat. Allison follows next. Isaac and I perch ourselves on the table behind the two seats. Oddly enough, he's sitting closer to Allison and I'm closer to Scott. 

        Agent McCall nods when all of us are seated. "I'm not gonna lie. I'm more than a little disturbed," He walks around the desk, as Isaac slips out a small container of breath mints from his jacket pockets. "Not only by the number of missing parents, but the fact that it's Stiles' father, your father, and your mother." Agent McCall points at Allison and his son. 

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