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i look up and see a tall, caramel skin, with the most beautiful eyes and eyelashes

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i look up and see a tall, caramel skin, with the most beautiful eyes and eyelashes. he has a sort of faded afro. the way his lashes curls, his face tats, soft looking lips, and perfect teeth. i'm 5'3 and he looks about...short. but he's taller than me so it's okay. it's not like we were going to be together.

"oh damn." he says and looks me up and down. "excuse you." he spat.

his voice was raspy, not too deep but deep enough. it kinda gave me chills.

"sorry..." i say, looking back at the ground. i don't wanna go off on him, he look scary.

we stared at each other in pure awkwardness. i really wanted to walk away from this dumb situation but he looked like he wanted to say something else.

as soon as he started to talk, "jahseh what the fuck?" i hear from a distance. he looked over, i guess jahseh was his name. sounds really familiar.

"watch where the fuck you going." a green haired bitch walked up to me and got in my face. her breath smelled like dick and ear backings. i backed up and started to walk the other way when she had the nerve to put her tongue down "jahseh", in front of me. as i turned, i heard a chair fall down behind me.

she was on the ground holding her knee. she fell and dropped her mountain dew on herself. yeah she definitely snorts crack.

i turned around and i stared at the jahseh dude and he stared back at me. i chuckled a little and he did too. she laid on the floor looking up at me and him laughing at her. also some of the other people standing around were chuckling. karma is a hoe.

i walk away awkwardly and I can feel him staring when i walked away, i didn't mind.

i caught up to kayla ordering food at the pizza place.

"bitch, i saw you over there laughing with that fine ass nigga." she said jumping up and down.

"it wasn't nothing, we just bumped into each other." i said rubbing my arms. but it was something. i kinda caught feelings, what the fuck type of spell did this boy put on me?

"mmmhhh." she said turning back to line.

"aye, you dropped your lip gloss." some said tapping my shoulder.

i turned around and it was the same nigga i bumped into. fuck, i can't do this. especially when he don't even know me!

"oh uh- thanks."

"your name?" he says holding his hand out for me to shake it.

"i'm mila..why?" i say shaking his hand awkwardly as he held it out for me to shake.

"you really cute. i think i've heard that name before." he said licking his lips. "i just got out of jail, im not used to seeing pretty yet."

i started chuckling nervously, did he just say he was in jail? what the fuck?

he chuckles with me and he tilts his head.

"i know this is weird, but you wanna chill sometime? i can make up for the drink i spilled on your shirt." he says making me look down at my shirt with a big brown pop stain on her white shirt.

"dont you got a girlfriend?" i say looking up and putting my hands on my hips. this nigga was not about to push me down like he did to home girl earlier.

"nah, she just a groupie." he said looking back to her sitting at a table pouting.

"oh, i'm sorry i shouldn't have brought it up."

"its ight." he said looking back at me.

"well, can i get yo number at least?" he said giving me his phone.

i nodded and slowly took his mind phone out his hand. i put my number into his phone, he didn't take his eyes off me which made me really uncomfortable. i hated attention.

"here you go."

"good, imma text you later." he said walking away with his hand in his pockets. i turned back around and kayla is staring at me.

"he bout to be all up in them guts." she said rubbing her hands together.

i rolled my eyes at her and put my hair behind my ear. i was really about talk to somebody other than craig, and i hope he doesn't find out.

(girl did you REALLY just meet him) ugh

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