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i got up to go see who was at the door. ski was late as hell to the party, with coolers in his hands. "nigga you late, i made everybody leave."

"NIGGAAA. what happened? niggas was blowing my phone but i couldn't answer, i was driving." he walked in and put in the coolers on the table.

"i made them niggas leave. it was too much going on and bitches was wylin." i told him. i don't know why them niggas would snitch on me.

"who dat?" he said, pointing to the stairs. "she cute."

i turned to mila and she innocently waved to us. i should really put her in a headlock for being so fine. unfortunately i will not do that.

"uh, that's my associate. her name mila." i didn't want ski to think we was fucking, so i gave him the look and he automatically knew what was up.

he nodded and waved back at her. i flipped him off. my selfishness starting to show due to his arrogance.

mila started to pick up the cups on the floor that people dropped and threw them in a trash bag. she really listen. i wanted to see if she was going to ask for help, so i just decided to talk to ski.

"why she cleaning?" he loudly asked. this nigga blew my cover. i automatically shushed him and he laughed, like a dumbass.

"exactly, why am i the only one cleaning? you said you'd help." she put her hand on her hip. i know i said i'd help but i just wanted to see if she'd keep helping me. i think i wanna keep her around.

"fine, but ski you gotta take the trash out. group project motherfuckers." i laughed walking over to the couch. these niggas know how to dirty up some shit.

i ended up cleaning up all trash that was left. mila was teaching ski how to make french toast. i find it really funny this nigga is eating french toast at 2 in the morning, and he convinced her to teach him.

suddenly, the back door and my homeboy craig walks in. he's extremely late to the party but i seen he brought me a pack of cigarettes he took from me.

"wassup, craig."

mila's face instantly went pale as she turned to see him staring at her. do these niggas know each other?

"surprised to see you here, huh?" craig says walking towards her.

"ya'll know each other?" ski asked for the both of us.

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