dating james potter would include

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- um sorry jily you're not happening right now oof
- pranks pranks pranks
- basically being the fifth marauder
- stealing his glasses
- and his shirts
- and his heart
- cheering him on during quidditch matches
- giving mcgonagall an 'i'm sorry for his actions' look whenever he does something inappropriate in class
- but secretly you both probably thought it was funny
- "deer, could you come here please?"
- telling him to do something with that hair
- secret sleepovers in the marauders room
- helping him sneak out at night to help remus during full moons
- meeting his parents and them falling in love with you
- sirius giving you a talk when you first get together that if you ever hurt james he will kill you
- but you just laugh at him and playfully punch his arm
- snape probably glaring at you in the hall because you're dating potter
- sex on the quidditch field under the invisibility cloak

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