some nice sirius black headcanons

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- started hogwarts at 5'2, finished at 5'8
- short temper but cannot hold grudges with friends
- always questioning things
- open fighter for equality
- often says aloud that he can and will take on anyone that messes with his friends
- sleep talks
- when he first became snuffles he looked like a PUPPY and james laughed so hard
- hates talking about his feelings but james and remus and lily would not let him bottle them up
- sings in the shower
- didn't actually hate reading if it wasn't for school
- rode the knight bus to james' house the night he ran away and never once looked back
- mrs. potter taught him how to cook and do laundry
- and mr. potter read the daily prophet with him
- lily bought him his motorcycle for his 18th birthday
- best man speech was entirely puns and jokes
- "dearly beloved"
- being so honored to be harry's godfather
- "me? are you sure? moony is much more qualified"
- buying harry leather jackets and cool baby boots
- "i love this kid so damn much"

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