The Precept: Chapter 1 - The Crowning

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Chapter 1 - The Crowning

"Are you ready, my lady?" Sarah bowed her head in reverence, her green eyes fixed on the exquisite, beautiful carpeted floor.

"Do I have a choice, Sarah?" I sighed, as I stood up from my dresser.

Sarah blushed, and delivered a small curtsy before leaving the room.

I grabbed my ostentatious ruby necklace, and gently placed it on my bosom. It glimmered slightly under the pleasant rays of sunlight, as if it were trying to comfort me with its beauty.

Yet nothing could comfort me.

I examined my appearance through my full-body mirror, silently appreciating the works of my tailor; the dark-red, silk dress wonderfully complimented my figure, making my body be even more graceful than that of a princess's. My necklace matched my golden earrings, and seemed to be analogous with the red lilies that were so gracefully and neatly plaited into my golden, wavy hair.

After one more, rather long, glance I slowly walked out of my chambers, not wanting to expedite this predicament any further.

I nodded at a few sentinels and servants as I passed by them, and even exchanged a few worried glances with the guards.

They knew what events would follow. They knew that this would bring a major change into our lives.

Yet, what they (nor I) didn't know, was what he would be like; Gentle? Kind? Or nothing but a diabolical monster?

I shook my head, desperately hoping that the kingdom would be lucky.

After what seemed to be an eternity of strolling down the halls, I finally arrived at the room.

The Crowning Room.

Small beads of sweat began to trickle down my forehead, and the loud laughter coming from the room seemed to reverberate through my head.

I began to feel chary and lightheaded, and I felt my consciousness begin to slowly drift away from me...

"My lady? My Princess, your people are awaiting. The annual coronation is about to begin." Sarah, my personal maid, whispered. She gently touched my arm in hopes of comforting me as we entered the room.

"I present to you, Princess Natalie Concordia!" A voice announced.

Applause followed, and I forced a small smile on my face.

I walked up to my father, who was already saying his goodbyes to potent lords and advisors.

"Father!" Tears welled in my eyes; I would not be able to see him until the next moon.

I embraced him, no longer caring about etiquette.

"My dearest Natalie, I am not leaving for eternity. And, if you are concerned with who shall be your new King, remember that he shall come from the least dangerous sector of the dungeon; the only crime he might have committed was most likely larceny, and I am sure he is now a changed man, and wishes to makes amends from his past." Father smiled, wiping away a stray tear from my red cheeks.

"Father, he is still a malefactor! He might be dangerous!" I exclaimed, yet father only chuckled softly, and motioned for me to listen to Sir Thárros, who was this year's announcer of the event.

"Today is a momentous afternoon, dear sirs and madams. For, as we all know, until the next moon - "

As Sir Thárros continued the introduction, I couldn't help but glance at the red curtains, from which would soon emerge a criminal, and our provisional King.

Who would emerge from behind this curtain? What horrors were awaiting for us?

I felt Bonnie, my quite eccentric (and sometimes invective) Aunt, nudge me in the ribs, secretly sending me a message to listen or I would have to listen to her castigating and scolding my 'unlady-like behaviour' until sunset.

"We are kind people, and our beliefs state that one must have a chance to redeem themselves; to cleanse their souls, and to become a better person. This is why the Council decided to set an annual occurrence, where a prisoner would be taken from Sector 5 - housing the least dangerous criminals - and be made the kingdom's temporary ruler, whilst our true King would be sequestered in a safe place.

This tradition was only accepted by the kingdom last year, and so far it was successful; the crimes committed had become less severe, the prisoners are becoming more docile, and, overall, our kingdom is becoming a safer place. By making a man, who was once a prisoner, our temporary King does not only enable him to redeem himself in front of the Gods, yet also gives him the privilege to reset his life." Sir Thárros explained.

I saw a man hurry into the room and whisper something into Sir Thárros' ear.

"I see...The preparations are now complete. Your Majesty, if you may please follow your knights into the carriage awaiting for you outside." He gestured to the exit, and bowed politely.

I watched as my father stood up, and followed the knights, without glancing back at me.

I knew that leaving me was already difficult for him, and seeing me in my current state would exacerbate the situation for him even more.

"Now," Sir Thárros cleared his throat, "There are rules that the prisoner must follow, of course;

1. His Majesty cannot steal anything belonging to the King, the Princess, or the Kingdom.

2. His Majesty cannot punish, lynch, or kill anybody during his Rule.

3. His Majesty cannot change the rules the Kingdom is built on.

4. His Majesty cannot free, enslave, or imprison anyone in the Kingdom, without his advisors' permission.

5. His Majesty cannot build, purchase, or sell any good without his advisors' permission.

With these small rules, our Kingdoms' safety will be guaranteed during the rule of our new King." He finished.

This was it...The time has come.

"Sirs and Madams, Dukes and Duchesses, Ladies and Lords, I present to you, His Majesty, King Frederic Diabolis!" He announced.

The curtains opened, and everyone in the room gasped at the sight;

A young man - at the age of 20, I presumed - Stood proudly and confidently, dressed in the most sumptuous garments ever seen.

I could hear a few ladies, including my Auntie, Bettie, sigh in infatuation.

His astonishing blue eyes were like maelstroms in the ocean, he had a warrior-like stature, and I could almost see the dark aura radiating off of him and reaching out to the awestruck audience in the room.

The audience seemed to be blinded by his handsomeness, yet I were no mere fool.

And I felt that the ominous man stadning before me wasn't one either.


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