Chapter 21: Ace Junior

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I turned around quickly and locked my gaze with those familiar amber eyes, who achieved to always drive me crazy, and tonight was no other way.

"Ace." I reached to mutter.

"Oh, so you remember my name." He scoffed and spun around quickly. I stood there for two seconds and began to follow him. My heart accelerated trying to catch up his pace. He got out of the house towards the backyard.

"Ace, wait!" I yelled. I bumped into him when he decided to stop as he arrived at the porch. "Shit." I murmured stepping back and rubbing my nose.

He turned around and glanced down at me. His eyes softened for a moment as he watched me rubbing my nose but his expression hardened almost instantly.

He looked angry. I had never seen him like that. His jaw was clenched as he remained serious, as always. But this time his eyes told much more. His golden eyes looked like they were on fire. God, he was so handsome. His light blue shirt making contrast with his tanned skin. Suddenly, his harsh voice woke me up from my absent state.

"You're busy but you come to a fucking party?" He asked. He was not raising his voice but for some reason I decided to do so.

"Hey, what I decide to do with my time is none of your business!" I yelled. I'm pretty sure I looked like a chipmunk shouting in a high-pitched voice beside his tall intimidating figure.

He looked exasperated as he took a deep breath. "Martina, I've been calling and texting you for the whole week, I've never done that for any girl before." My heart skipped a beat at those words. Although my stubborn mind wouldn't let me enjoy the moment and continued to be in this stupid defensive mode.

"So what? Did I hurt your ego, Ace?" I cocked my head and crossed my arms over my chest.

"That's what you conclude after what I've just said?" He asked narrowing his eyes. He waited for a couple of seconds for me to say something, but the words wouldn't come out. I opened my mouth and closed it again. He scoffed again, rolled his eyes and turned around walking down the stairs. I took two steps to follow him but I didn't know what could I say.

He left me feeling really bad. I didn't know why I had put up this attitude, but it was like I had this thick armour to protect me. I walked into the house again and headed to the kitchen. My chest hurt. Like I felt actual physical pain. I messed up really bad.

Even though all I wanted to do was go to bed and have a good night's sleep, I took another drink. I let the liquor burn my tongue, my throat and my chest. I hoped I could kill anything that might be in there, but the pain wouldn't go away. Being drunk didn't really help, it also helped intensify what was going on.

"Hey, where did you go?" Asked Sarah appearing by the corner.

"I saw Ace." I would have normally lied but I surprised myself actually wanting to talk about it. She might have seen an expression on my face because she came closer and stroke my hair with one hand.

"Did you guys talk?" She said gently.

I nodded, for some reason avoiding her gaze and looking down at my drink. I raised it and ended it in a big gulp.

"Okay, I'm assuming it didn't go well." She sighed loudly and grabbed my face with her hands obliging me to lock eyes with her. "Martina, listen to me. Do you like him? And don't answer like you always do, please."

I nodded. My head feeling heavier everytime I moved it.

"Then go tell him. Look," she sighed again and dropped her hands to her sides. "I've never seen you like this, but I can assure you, that despite his feelings for you, you would feel a lot better. You can't make one person feel something for you Martina, but you won't know if they do, if you don't even try."

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