Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: January 30th. 20XX

I sighed and rested my head on the table "I'm not getting obsessive!" I whined and put my hand down. Oh, I should mention These are my three best friends coming up; Jamie, Nikki, and Connor.

"Milo...You do seem a little obsessed that you can't figure out who this is. Some things are better left a mystery." Jamie said as she put down her cards as well. Jamie has always been very soft toward people. She believes strongly in second and third and fourth chances and that everyone has good in them. She graduated college with me last year.

Nikki laughed "Stop stressing over this! It's not a big deal" He shrugged as his eyes scanned over his Cards carefully. Nikki is still in college; He'll be graduating this year. He's been my best friend since we were toddlers. He is by far, the most lax person I know. He has black curly hair, and Gauges; and I swear he does not have the ability to grow facial hair.

"Maybe you should all shut up and keep playing" Connor rolled his eyes. Connor has been a sarcastic asshole since high school but we love him anyways. "I'm so close to beating you guys I can almost feel it"

"He has two aces, and one 8 of spades. He's waiting to get an ace so he can play all three of them, then discard his 8, Or, Use the 8 after Jamie gets the one last card she needs to put down '5, 6, and 7' of Spades, then get his Ace and win the game." I said confidently. My hand was trash so there was no way I would win, But There's also no way I'm letting Connor win either. I smile "So Jam', Don't play that row you've been waiting to play the whole game, and Nobody put down the an Ace. I have one, which means either Nikki Has one, or one is in the pile."

Connor's mouth hung open. "You're no fun to play with" He set his cards down and it was exactly as I thought. Two aces and one 8 of Spades. "Bingo" I chuckled.

Nikki put his cards down. Jack of clubs, 10 of clubs, 4 and 5 of diamonds, 3 and 9 of spades, and The last Ace; He smirked. "Well done Milo."

I smiled softly but soon my smile faded as my mind wandered back to the mystery person. I sighed and rested my head on the table.

"How'd you do it?" Jamie looked at me "I just want to know..."

"I picked it up from the cards you were passing up and giving away...Also 2 out of three of you wear Glasses" I smiled

Connor scoffed and took his glasses off quickly, "You little Shit!" He threw a card at my face

Jamie just laughed and adjusted her glasses. "Well played nerd" She flicked my head

"Hey dorks, I'm throwing a party next weekend with a few people from collage" Nikki explained "It would be cool if you three wanted to come"

"Eh, I don't know...I have work and stuff..." I lied. I just don't like parties.

"You're not the only one who can pick out a lie" Connor smiled "You don't work on the weekend."

"Ohhh Busted!" Nikki laughed "But honestly, it will only be a few more people there besides you three. Not too out of hand. And I expect you all to come" he stood up "I've gotta go. I have an algebra class tomorrow morning to skip" He walked to the door "See ya' Plebs later" He walked out and I heard the door shut behind him

"A party huh...?" I mumbled to myself and pondered the idea. I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea to take the night off from my investigation....

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