Chapter 2

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        I woke up to my parents talking. My eyes were droopy, and I strecthed out wide. 

        "Do you need to use the bathroom?" My mom asked me as we stopped at a gas station.

        I shook my head and got comfy again, trying to fall back asleep. It didn't work. It was still dark outside and I didn't feel comfortable going into the gas station at three in the morning, so I stayed put insdie the car. I grabbed my phone and was suprised to have so many texts from Carrie.

       Carrie! (1:15 AM): You're supposed to be happy for me. I'm going to college!

       Carrie! (1:17 AM): You're not a very good friend you know that? We stuck together all through high school, and this summer you shut me out. Now you're trying to blame me somehow? You're pathetic.

       Carrie! (1:20 AM): I honestly wish I was never your friend. You're a bitch. And you're boring. And you aren't even interested in the same things as me. How did we even become friends... We're polar opposites!

        When I saw these, I fumed. I felt bad for her, because of how clueless she was. But I was pissed, and not in the mood for her shit.

        Me (3:02 AM): Okay. I am happy that you're going to college. I'm going to college too. You weren't exactly thrilled when I told you I was going to Charleston. You started ignoring me when I told you, so I didn't want to hang out with my so called "best friend" if she hated me. This whole fucking time you've been a bitch to me. I went to your house, on a limb, because I wanted my best friend back. How do you know we have nothing in common when we haven't seen each other besides that one day a couple days ago? How do you know I didn't change over the summer? I went to your house, trying to pull the pieces together, and all you had to talk about was drama, and negative shit I didn't want to hear. YOU'RE the bad friend. YOU didn't make an effort to see me. I made an effort to see you. YOU changed. YOU'RE the bitch. We weren't polar opposites, and even if we were, who cares? Opposites attract dumbass. Fuck you. 

        Me (3:03 PM): You're right... We are polar opposites... You're a bitch, and I'm a decent human being trying to find out who I am.

        It felt good to say that, to let it all out. Finally, my mind was free of her bullshit. I was on my journey to find out who I truly was. While calming my heart rate, I had remembered that weird text I had gotten from that random number. I decided to text it back.

        Me (3:05 PM): Who is this?

        345-564-8976 (3:08 PM): You'll find out in a couple hours. Xx

        Me (3:09 PM): Where am I going?

        345-564-8976 (3:10 PM): Stop being impatient and pushy, you'll find out when you find out.

        Me (3:11 PM): Ugh. Bitch.

        I was quite annoyed with everyone. I put my phone in airplane mode, so that I wouldn't recieve any texts or phone calls. I sighed, and put my headphones in. I put my phone on shuffle, and fell back to sleep listening to The Fray.

        "Wake up!!!!" My mom said in a sing-song tune.

        "I'm tired," I excalimed.

        "We're thirty minutes away from our destination. You might want to look out the window," My mom raised an eyebrow at me as she turned around.

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