Marshall's Concern

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Almost three months after our first date, Ellie and I were to go to a New Year's Eve party put on by the studio. I was going to be getting ready at my place and planned on picking her up in a little over an hour and a half - after she'd gotten off work. I smiled in anticipation. Ellie had told me she'd bought something to wear that she was sure I'd like. Considering that I struggled to keep my hands off her when she was in sweatpants, I knew that my patience was going to be tested tonight.

Things were going well with us, which I knew everyone around me had noticed. I was walking around like a lovesick moron half the time, my laughter not far from the surface at any given moment. Hailie had commented on it a number of times, noting that Ellie was good for me. I didn't disagree.

I'd had a talk with all of my security guys and many of the folks at the studio after that disastrous morning. I didn't want anyone mistaking Ellie for anything other than an important woman in my life. Jonathon had felt like shit when he realized what he'd done, but Ellie had shook her head at him when he'd apologized and told him to forget about it. I could tell she was still bothered by how he'd told her to leave, though, because I saw the distance in her eyes when she was around him. She didn't treat him poorly or say anything against him, but her guard was still up when he was near. I hoped that would resolve itself, but only time would tell.

At the moment, I was wandering around my house, bored as fuck. I was impatient for the evening to begin, knowing what I planned to talk to her about. I was looking forward to a great night.

I looked at the clock on my phone. Ellie's work schedule had solidified into late morning to early evening shifts, a fact that had allowed me to breathe a little easier about her safety. She was still in a bar, but she wasn't around too many of the rowdies, which tend to come out late at night. It also meant that I got to see her nearly every night.

"Fuck it," I muttered as I grabbed my things. I had a key to Ellie's place. I could go wait for her there. I hesitated at the door, though, when my phone pinged.

"Something came up. Can't go. See you Sunday." I read the text from her three times before called. I didn't wait for her to speak when the line opened up, instead jumping right to the heart of things.

"What the fuck do you mean you can't come? What came up? And why the fuck wouldn't I see you again until Sunday?" I demanded. Ellie sounded a little off, her quiet voice strained when she responded.

"I'm sorry, Marshall. But I'm sure I'll see you by Sunday." She said, not telling me a damn thing. I was about to ask her again when I heard a man's voice speak in the background.

"Ma'am, we're going to have to remove this. And, I need you to get off the phone." He said, his voice dispassionate. I frowned for a second, thinking. He sounded like...

"Ellie, are you hurt?" I asked, my voice shifting from one kind of anger to another. Ellie let a sound go that I'd never heard from her before – something pained and breathy – and I started jogging to my car.

"I'll be alright." She responded, not answering my question again. "You should go to the party. I know they expect you there." She said and gave a cry.

"Sorry about that," I heard the man say.

"Ellie, you tell me what the fuck is wrong right fucking now." I demanded as I put on my seat belt.

"I, uh..." Her voice was barely there, now.

"Ellie?" I called, but she didn't respond. Instead, the man's voice in the background yelled out.

"I could use some help over here." He said and I was screaming into the line now, trying to get his attention.

"Hey! Pick up the fucking phone!" I called and there was the sound of movement and then someone came on the line.

"Who is this?" A new voice demanded and I about screamed again in frustration.

"I'm that woman's boyfriend. What the fuck happened to her?" I yelled.

"She's being taken to Beaumont," he answered, referring to a nearby hospital. "We have to go now. You can see her there." He said as he hung up the phone.


The emergency room was a mess of people when I got there. As I stalked up to the counter, a woman behind the desk gave me a once over before speaking. I could see the recognition in her eyes. She knew who I was.

"How may I help you, sir?" She asked.

"My girlfriend was hurt. I don't know how, just that they brought her here." I said, running my hand over my head as I looked around. The woman asked for Ellie's name and I gave it. She typed a few things into the computer in front of her and nodded. She looked up at me and then around a little.

"I'm not supposed to tell you, but I know who you are." She said softly and I nodded. I'd use whatever fucking advantage I had right now. "She's in triage room 4B," she pointed as she continued, "just around the corner." I nodded my thanks and jogged that way.

Ellie was in a dressier top and jeans, laying on a cot in the center of the room, when I rounded the doorway. The pant leg on the left side was ripped or cut all the way up to her thigh and she had a bandage and some kind of stabilizer on it. Her face showed signs of glass cuts and her eyes were closed.

Neither the nurse nor Ellie heard me as I walked up. When I got to the side of the cot, I put my hand to the right of her face, looking down into her eyes when they opened for me. Ellie's brown eyes were dulled with either pain or pain medication, but she gave me a slight smile and raised a hand up to cup mine.

"Hi," she said softly and I swallowed before speaking.

"You going to tell me now what happened?" I asked and her lips twisted.

"A drunk plowed into the bar." She said with a sigh. "I was near the front and got hit." She explained. I nodded, but I was still bugged.

"And why is it that you didn't just say that? And what's with the Sunday stuff?" I asked and she closed her eyes momentarily.

"I didn't want to worry you. I was hoping that this wasn't broken," she pointed to her leg.

"So, you were going to hide it from me?" I asked and Ellie flushed.

"Yeah, that probably wasn't the most rational thinking." She admitted. "I'm sorry." She said as she looked back up from her lap to my eyes. "I won't do that again. I don't want you not to trust me." She said softly and I shook my head.

"I trust you, baby." I responded, feeling it in my bones. My lips quirked a bit. "You know, this pushes up what I planned to ask you tonight." I commented and Ellie's brows came together in her confusion.

The nurse, who had been typing up information in the background, gave a little wave and promised to return shortly. I waited until she walked out before I turned back to Ellie, who was cocking her head at me in question.

"Live with me?" I asked and Ellie's eyes widened. "We're practically there anyway." I said. "I'm tired of not having you there and, now that this has happened, I can take care of you." I concluded and Ellie searched my eyes for a moment before smiling softly and nodding.

"I'd like that."

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