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you know, in reality, markson was actually canon, as fans would say. it was not nuclear science.

Mark was born in Ameria, in a very loving family. as a child, he grew up fearlesly, knowing that he had someone he could count on. it was never weird when he clung to boys way more than he should and his parents never scolded him about it, so he never felt the urge to hide it. he was around 10 years old when his sister confesed, with tears in her eyes, that she had a girlfriend. Mark's parents hugged her and comforted her, but the next day everything was back to normal. a pretty girl, Sarah, started to come over and his sister smiled way more often than she used to do, but that was about all it changed. at 14 he had his first kiss. his best friend, Matthew, came to his party saying that he didn't buy him anything, so instead he offered him a kiss. he was so shocked, but the feeling was not something he would label as wrong or unnatural, even though, from then on, that's what a lot of people called him. he never saw Matthew again, but that night his parents entered his room at an ungodly hour and educated him about the therm of being gay. they also told him that there was not one thing wrong with him, and everything he felt was as natural as it could get. they told him love was never wrong. unfortunately, love was not a concept he was familiar with, yet. seventeen was the age he first got his heart broken. 16th of january was the day Jimmy, his long term boyfriend, told him that he was not enough, that he found someone else, that somehow, in some way, it was Mark's fault because he didn't offer him enough. for a month or so, Mark wouldn't get out of his room, time in which he self harmed, learnt not to trust anyone, cursed his asian roots and started to see himself as less than a piece of trash. despite his parents and sister's pleas, his door stood locked. on February the 16th, he weighted way less than a month and a half ago, 10 kilos less, to be exact. his bones looked like they could break through his skin. in June he said 'fuck it, I don't have anything more to loose' and auditioned for a big music industry in South Korea. in the few months of being heartbroken, Mark found comfort in music, and even if you would ask him now, he would tell you that music saved his life. through music, he found a way to express and understand his feelings and he learnt that he was not alone or a weird specimen, other people felt just like him, too. on august the 10th, he entered for the first time in the building that soon would feel like home. a group of asian people his age were gathered in what looked like a dance room. the first ones he notied were two small guys, trying (and failing) to talk quietly in the corner of a room. one of them laughed to loud and screamed in a language (almost) unknown to Mark. they both rose up and approched him

"hi-hi, I'm Mark" he said in broken Korean.

one of the small guys made wide eyes as he picked up his accent, he analysed his features for a few seconds and then said, in perfect english (even though it was covered in a thick australian accent):

"nice to meet you, Mark! I'm Bang Chan, but my real name is Chris. where are you from?"

"I'm from America" Mark replied

the other guy, one with thick lips just listened to their conversation with furrowed eyebrows, before confidently replying in (very) broken korean:

"hi, I'm BamBam and I didn't understan three word you guys just said"

his voice was loud and he seemed pretty obnoxious and weird and Mark wondered for a second what he was doing in a music company.

more people presented themselves to Mark, but only a few names stuck to him. after about 20 minutes of introductions, a dance teacher entered through the door.

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