Little introduction & part1

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At first let me introduce myself, I'm Kelly and I'm 16 years old and I just transferred to this school and it's my first year at high school.  


- My bestfriend and I? Here's how it began. I was always wondering how would be the boy, in high school, with whom I'll fall in love, the boy with whom I'll exchange secrets, laugh the most and be happy with. Here I am at the high school finally, it's my first year at this school, I thought this time it will be different and my thoughts were right. At my first day at school I got all of my classmates' attention because I went to the wrong class and all administration members were looking for me so I was the last one to attend the class, everyone was looking at me when I came in and that was kinda embarrassing.  Jewelry was there, sitting in the front, wearing a bright colored trouser. I don't really remember because he didn't got my attention at that time, I didn't even notice that he was there until he sat behind me on chemics class the day after and gave me that weird look.




DAY WE MET ♥ *-*

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