First Day Of School

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Athena [POV:]

As I walked into my school for the first time as a senior I noticed things that I never did as a Junior. How short the lower class lockers were, how there was only one bathroom on the Junior and Senior level, but two on the Sophomore and Freshman level, and the paint peeling on the walls and ceilings. I took these observations in with great attention, though I had no clue why. I wove through the crowd of Junior girls loudly talking about their locker placements. "Gawd were we as annoying last year?" said one of my best friends Astrid Yulkin as she slowed her stride to meet mine. "Omg Hi girl!!" I said, taking in her outfit. "Your totally rockin that mini skirt hun" I said looking at her newly blonde highlighted hair and blue/grey eyes. She stopped walking and posed for me while laughing hysterically. "Thanks, and I just love that crop top with those shorts" she responded. "Is it Ralph Lauren?" She asked, fingering the fabric from my top. I nodded, my butt length wavy Black hair swishing with my movements, tickling my back. I got to my locker and spun the combo and got my first hour class books out. Astrid, three lockers down was giggling and flirting with her lockermate Luke Ross. I rolled my eyes and shut my locker and skanned the hall for my boyfriend Shawn and my group of friends. My eyes stopped on my tall handsome boyfriend standing with our group by the vending machine. As I walked over I giggled as I watched my other best friend Ally Curtis fumbling with her change as she tried to grab her Mountain dew. Standing next to her was her boyfriend Jack Holland laughing as she dropped all her pennies. In the main group of people were; Finn and his girlfriend Yasmine, Dani and her girlfriend Veronica, Chris, Nick, Collin, Gabbi, Jordyn, Remi (Remington), and lastly Ivy. "Hey Hoes" I said as I came up. My group turned and saw me, "HEYYYYYYYY" came the chorus of everyone so excited to see me. I was enveloped into one big hug and was praised for my good looks and amazing outfit. When the group finally pulled away, my amazing boyfriend was waiting with open arms for me. "Hey babe" he said, pulling me close. "Hey" I responded taking in his yummy sent. "Hey guys leave room for jesus!" Joked Dani as she high fived Veronica. I rolled my eyes "remind me that next time you and Ronnie get all cuddle wuddle during lunch today." I retorted. They both blushed and glared at me, knowing I got them. *Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnggg* "Well I better get going to Chemistry" I said wiggling out of Shawns arms. "Okay, see you later babe" he said and leaned in for a kiss. I gave him a quick smooch and headed for Chem with Jordyn, Collin, and Nick. 

<4 classes later...>

Shawn [POV:]

^I'm so hungry^ I thought to myself as I sat down at the group table with my tray stacked full with pizza, soda, salad, and tons of junk food. As the table filled up I was already half done with my tray when Athena and Ally showed up to the table with their Caesar salads and diet sodas. "Wooooow, took ya long enough!" complained Finn, who didn't eat till everyone was at the table. "Sorry your royal shitness," said Ally "we were catching up with one of Athena's old friends." I looked up in time to see Athena kick Ally under the table. "Ow. Sorry" whispered Ally. "An old friend huh?" I asked looking for Athena's reaction. She fiddled with her charm bracelet, "Yup... Hayden Senouss, we grew up together." She said. I looked at her reddening face to her fingers fiddling with her bracelet. ^Yup, something's not right^ I thought to myself. "We used to date..." said Athena. Then the doors to the cafeteria swung open and a unfamiliar boy walked in. He looked like a movie star, wavy light brown hair, a sharp jawline, blue eyes, and tall and muscular. I glanced at Athena to see if she was looking, and sure enough, she was. "Hayden?" I asked her. She nodded never taking her eyes off of him.....

Thanks for reading guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Keep an eye out for chapter two: Broken!

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