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"-and don't forget, students! The holiday dance is this Saturday. Dress formal, suit or dress, whichever you feel comfortable in. Tickets are free, and everyone be sure to thank Marinette and her parents for catering the event." Miss Bustier said before the class had the chance to drain out.

The minute Marinette heard, she started her usual awkward tangent about Adrien, with Alya as her designated wing-girl. Adrien didn't seem to be excited, rather upset. "I doubt my father will let me go..."

Nino patted his back. "C'mon, man! No harm in asking first."

Nathanael looked to his right, seeing Rose and Juleka already planning their Saturday. Alix was lounging back in her chair. He walked over to his friends, holding his sketchbook. He followed Alix's eyes that were watching Kim huddling with Max, occasionally glancing over at her.

"It looks like he wants to ask you to the dance." Nath pointed out. Alix rolled her eyes.

"No, duh. But- he's too nervous and awkward around me to just ask." Alix said, kicking her feet onto the desk. "Probably gonna make some big, grand gesture or something."

Nathanael's mind toned out the conversations surrounding him. His heart was pounding for reasons that he couldn't quite pick out. His eyes looked out the window, watching the trees sway in the breeze. For some reason, the color of emerald green was taking over his mind. A hand nudged him, pulling him back to reality.

"Speaking of nervous and awkward, Marc's here." Alix said, smirking. Nathanael's heart skipped a few beats, and his face flushed. Alix snorted. "Don't die on me, dude."

Nathanael looked at the glass between the classroom and hall. Marc waved at him a small bit, half hiding behind the door. Nathanael had forgotten that they were meeting after school today. He quickly picked up his backpack, saying quick goodbyes to the three girls. He ran out of class, stopping in front of Marc.

"So, the holiday dance, huh?"

Marc made a small smile.

"Y-Yeah, how about that?"

They walked in comfortable silence to a small cafe outside of school. Just as they sat down in a corner booth, Nathanael broke the silence.

"Do you want to go to the dance with me?" Nathanael asked suddenly. Marc's eyes widened as his head shot up to stare at Nathanael. A small blush graced his cheeks.

"As-As a-As a date?" Marc stumbled over his words with nervousness. His heart pounded against his chest.

Nathanael froze as he was taking out his sketchbook. His mind raced. He looks horrified. I messed up. Quick, cover it up! "N-No! I just don't know if you were already planning to go by yourself. I'm sure Rose and Juleka and Alix wouldn't mind if you joined."

Marc felt his heart drop. He had no idea what he was expecting to happen. Just because you like him doesn't mean he returns those feelings, Marc told himself. "Y-yeah, I don't see why not. I don't think I have anything planned. I mean- it's not like I ever have any plans. I don't do much- and I'm rambling again. Sorry."

Nathanael was silent for a moment, soon cracking a smile with a laugh. "Classic Marc."

✿Time Skip✿

Marc stood in the middle of the dance floor, which was originally the school's gym. His mother had given him a dark red suit jacket and a very light pink dress shirt. It was his first formal dance, so she was overly excited. Even with the formal attire, he still wore his fingerless gloves and black chocker. He couldn't remember the last time he went somewhere without them.

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