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"Are we almost there yet?" Mark asked no one in particular as he dragged his legs down the sidewalk. 

"We're almost there." Taeyong replied monotonously. His eyes were glued on his phone as he guided his friends towards his house.

"You've said that for the past ten minutes. If we knew your house was this far from the bus station then we could have just went to mine." Yeona grumbled as she hugged her jacket closer to herself, trapping in all the warmth she could.

The bright sun radiating on the group was quite useless, not bothering to warm the five as they fought against the slight cold breeze. The two mixed together was not the ideal weather to be walking in. And they were slowly starting to get irritated when they weren't getting anywhere close to their destination.

Taeyong left his gaze from his screen to raise an eyebrow at her, "You really think your parents would let four boys stay at your house?"

Yeona clicked her tongue, glaring at the boy for acting all smart. Sure he was right, though she thought he could have said it with a little less attitude.

She sighed heavily, "Fine, but at least carry your own goddamn bag," She took the strap off her shoulder and gutted the bag into Taeyong's stomach, making him grunt lightly.

"What the hell did you even pack? We're going to your house, if anything you should be bringing an empty bag to get what you forgot."

"It may or may not be laundry that I haven't done in awhile..." Taeyong mumbled, avoiding eye contact with the girl.

She suspiciously squinted her eyes at him, "How long is awhile?"

He scratched the back of his neck, deeply thinking about it, "Uh, is the beginning of the semester awhile?"

Yeona scrunched up her nose in disgust, "You really made me carry your bag of dirty laundry? How can Eunmi stand you, ugh."

She faked gagged before stepping away from Taeyong, trailing behind him and walking alongside Doyoung instead.

"Hey at least you were carrying two bags! I'm carrying three and two of them are Haechan's!" Mark cried from the back, his shoulders arching forward in pain, "I think my spine is about to snap in half."

The two had been arguing back and forth on the long bus ride. According to Haechan, Mark's bag was taking up too much space, overlapping onto his seat. So after bickering for what seemed like forever, they came to an 'agreement'. Though they all knew Haechan just forced the guy to carry his bags in the end.

"Want me to carry one?" Doyoung asked him.


"No, he's fine."

Yeona and Doyoung turned to look back at Haechan, who was smiling innocently at the two.

"Uh, are you sure?"

"Help m–"

Haechan covered Mark's mouth, stopping him from speaking any further, "He's fine! Just keep walking!"

Yeona and Doyoung looked at each other quizzically, wondering if they should step in and help the poor guy. But in the end, they decided he could fend for his own, shrugging lazily before focusing back to the front.

"I hate you." Mark mumbled to the boy beside him. Haechan snickered, throwing a heavy arm around his shoulders, leaning him forward even more, "Now you know the pain I deal with when I hang out with you."

Mark heaved, his arms felt like jelly as he readjusted the bags on his shoulders. If he didn't put them down in the next few minutes he was pretty sure his arms were bound to pop out of their sockets. The only good thing about that was he wouldn't have to carry them any longer.

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