Chapter 10

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-Sydney’s POV-

After we ate we went and got the rest of my things. I actually had a great time with Kevin today, he made me forget about all the stuff with Corbyn. I really felt like I could trust almost like I could confide in him.
Ke: Thanks for the ride home

S: No problem, thanks for helping me today

Ke: Anytime vanilla latte

I just smiled at him and he returned with his own smile and walked off to his apartment. I drove off smiling like an idiot, arriving at home and struggling to carry my things in the house. I greeted my family and continued up the stairs to my room where I proceeded to organize my bag for my college classes on Monday.

-Skip to Monday-

Sunday went by in a blur, the only thing I did was text Kevin. He informed me on some of the classes I would have and what the would be like. I woke up this morning with a text from him.

Ke: Good morning vanilla latte, I hope you have a great day. I will see you later on today;)
*End of text*

After seeing that I was in a much better mood and decided to dress up a bit, so I went to bathroom and did my hair and makeup. I then changed clothes, grabbed my bags and phone, and made my way down to the kitchen. I happily greeted my family, grabbed a biscuit, and dragged Sam out to the car.

Sa: Ok, what’s up with you? Why are you in such a good mood?

S: I just am

I could tell he wanted an explanation, but after a couple minutes he gave up and decided to leave the topic alone. I pulled in the parking lot and gave a huge grin to Perry and Natalie who were waiting patiently for us.

P: Someone’s in a good mood
S: Yes, yes Perry I am

I smiled brightly and basically skipped inside to my locker. I got weird looks from everybody, but I didn’t care I was in too good of a mood to be bothered by that. Not even the sight of Corbyn walking towards me and the others bothered me.

C: Hey guys!
Sa: Hey Corbyn, where’s Cindy?

C: She’s making up a test

N: It’s been a while since it was just you

S:That’s because he’s always with that skank

C: Do what? What did you say?
S: Did I stutter? I said because YOUR ALWAYS WITH THAT SKANK
His face instantly dropped and I could tell he was pissed.

C: What’s that supposed to mean?!!

I slammed my locker and looked him dead in the eyes.
S: It means since you’ve been with her, you have completely forgotten about us. You barely hang out with us anymore and it’s not the first time you’ve done it either, this happens every time you have a girlfriend. You always forget about us and leave us out of it like we don’t exist, but come crawling back when you get your heart broken.

He stayed silent as well as everyone else, so I slowly made my way around him saying-

S: You should find someone better who won’t hurt you

C: Like who?

I stopped dead in my tracks.
S: Are you seriously that stupid?
I turned to face him only to have him stare at me in confusion.
S: Like who? What kind of question is that?! Think about it Corbyn!
S: OMG… are unbelievable! ME!! IT’S ME!!

C: Huh?
S: Corbyn I love you, i’m in love with you. I have been since we were 9, but I always kept my mouth shut. I have watched you date girl after girl and you always get hurt in the end. I mean honestly have you seriously never noticed or realized this before?!

He stayed silent and I just sighed.
S: You know what forget it! I’m done, I told you, it’s out there, now I just gotta move on. I’m done!

I turned and walked to first period, leaving everyone behind me in shock. After a few minutes Sam walked in with Corbyn and Cindy trailing behind him. I just focused on my work and every so often I could see Corbyn looking at me out of the corner of my eye, I just ignored him.

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