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"Daddy, when can we go home?" I looked over the counter at my seven-year-old son, Eli.

"Soon, buddy. I'm still working. You keep going on that homework. If you get it done, we can stop for ice-cream on the way home." He grinned and turned back to his book, scribbling down some more words. It was our usual routine; when school finished, I'd take a short break to walk to the school to pick him up and bring him back to the diner to wait while I finished working. He'd set himself up at the counter or an empty table and do his homework or chat to friendly customers.

"Order for table eight." My friend, Harry called out and I turned away from Eli to collect the small stack of plates, carrying them over to the table. When I came back, an elderly woman had come to sit by my son and was asking him about his homework.

"Hi, can I get anything for you?" I asked her with a smile as I went over.

"Just a flat white, thanks."

"Okay. And you, Eli? You thirsty yet?" He hadn't asked for a drink since school had finished, nearly an hour ago and it was a hot day.

"Not yet, daddy."

"Oh, I didn't realise he was your son. I was about to ask him where his parents were." The lady was surprised and looked up at me. "I can see it now, in the eyes." I smiled at her.

"Yeah, he's here most afternoons with me. I'll just get your coffee." Turning on the spot, I headed back into the kitchen where the coffee machine was

"We still going out tonight, Jacob?" Harry asked me as I got the machine going.

"Do we really have to? I'm so exhausted. It's my only night off in nearly three weeks. I just want a night in with my son." While I worked during the day at the diner, I also worked most nights as an editor for the local newspaper. It was a great second job that I could do from home so I didn't have to pay for child-care, but it did take up a lot of my evenings after Eli went to bed. Tonight, however, they didn't need me to check over anything so I had the night off. Harry had immediately made plans for us to go out with a couple other friends, claiming that I needed a night of not being a dad.

"You have a night in with your son every night. Technically." Harry complained, coming over. 

"It's not the same. I want to just sit down in the living room and spend some quality time with him."

"Come on, you promised. We've missed you. It's been months."

"Yeah, I have a responsibility, Harry. I have another human being that I have to care for. I can't just leave him."

"I thought you said your mom would look after him." The coffee machine beeped, signalling the coffee was done.

"She will. I just, I don't want to do anything too crazy, okay?"

"Yes!" He cheered, doing a little happy dance in the small area he had. I just rolled my eyes and headed back out to the main area of the diner, sliding the coffee over to the lady who was still sitting by my son.

"Here we go. Anything else I can get you?"

"That's all, thank-you." Over her shoulder, I noticed my colleague, Meghan, coming through the front door to start her shift.

"Okay, Eli, start packing up your things. We've got to have dinner before nana comes over."

"Yes, daddy." He flicked shut his notebook and slipped off the stool to reach for his backpack.

"And say 'thank-you' to the lady for talking to you. I'll be back in a minute." With a final glance at him, I went into the back room to get my stuff. Melissa was there, pulling on her little black apron. 

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