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"Daddy? Why are you sad?" I looked up at where Eli was stood in front of me, concern written in his eyes.

"I'm not sad, buddy." I denied, blinking to clear my eyes of tears. I didn't want to admit to my son that I was crying over a guy.

"But you have tears, daddy." He crawled onto my lap and poked at my cheek where I realised there were a few tear tracks. I sighed and gave in. I'd always prided myself on making sure I was honest with my son, which was completely ironic since I'd kept his existence a secret from Troye.

"Do you remember how I told you I made a new friend?" I asked, shifting him to be sat more comfortably on my lap and hugging him tightly.

"Yeah. You said he's really fun."

"He is. Well, we had dinner last night while you were at Miles' house and we had a fight. That's why I'm sad."

"Oh." I watched a frown settle on his face for a moment. "But you don't have to be sad now. 'Cause I can give you cuddles." He decided, throwing his little arms around my neck. I had to smile as I hugged him back. It was times like these that made me forget any regrets I may have about having kept him while I was so young. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like without him.

"Thank-you buddy. But I am still a little bit sad."


"Well, I haven't gotten any kisses yet." I pretended to pout as he giggled and pressed his lips to my cheek.

"Mwah!" He announced and if I could have hugged him tighter, I would have.

"I love you, so much, Elijah," I mumbled, my face buried in his hair.

"Love you too, daddy." He replied and we stayed like that for a while until he began to squirm, wanting out. I let go and watched as he went back to the previously abandoned toys that were scattered across our living room floor, a smile on my lips. He had a huge imagination and he always managed to come up with a wide variety of games to play, whether he was playing with someone or by himself.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him after a while, realising it was nearly one in the afternoon and we hadn't had lunch yet. I'd picked him up from his friend's house around eleven and Miles' dad told me the boys had only eaten breakfast at ten since they'd slept late.

"Little bit, daddy."

"Only a little bit?"

"Yeah. We had pancakes for breakfast so my tummy is still full."

Nodding, I got up and headed to the kitchen to make food. It took me a minute to decide what to make but I eventually decided on a ham and cheese sandwich for myself and a banana for Eli, knowing he wouldn't want to eat much else. 

We spent the rest of the day just relaxing a little. I put a movie on for Eli around five so I could start dinner and he wouldn't get bored and get in the way but my plan didn't really work. I was nearly done when he came wandering in and climbed onto the counter, swinging his legs adorably.

"What are you doing, trouble?" I asked.

"Nothing. Don't wanna watch the movie."

"But it's your favourite. You love Toy Story."

"Nope. It's boring." I frowned. This was the first time I'd ever heard him say he didn't like Toy Story. It was usually the one thing that I could rely on to make him happy.

"Since when?"

"Since Miles said. We were gonna watch it at his house but he told me it's for babies. So we watched Star Wars instead." He told me seriously and I had to bite my lip. His whole life, Eli had been eager to agree with me, liking anything I suggested, while at the same time still forming his own opinions. But now he was growing up and it wasn't just my input that he was listening to. Along with what had happened with Troye last night, my heart was aching even more.

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