1 - surprise!

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It was a rainy, windy Saturday. Nobody was outside and everything was quiet. Just the way Bridget liked the weather to be, it gave her life a sense of calmness that she didn't get to enjoy often. She felt happy as she looked out the window at the falling rain.

To a stranger, Bridget would be considered cold, distant, insensitive... the list goes on. Not many people understood her. But, there was one person who did. One person who saw past her facade and saw the real her.

The rain made Bridget happy, made her feel safe. But the happiness from the rain didn't compare to the happiness Bridget felt when she was with her bestfriend, Jenna. Well... Atleast, the two of them decided to pretend to just be bestfriends, nothing more until they were both ready to tell people that they were dating.

Bridget thought about her while she looked outside, she knew she was coming over but she was worried. What if she got a cold from being outside in the "bad" weather? She would be so upset if Jenna got sick because of her.

In the middle of her worrying, Bridget heard the back door open. She smiled, knowing that it was Jenna. Bridget knew exactly what plan she had; sneak in without Bridget hearing her, make her way upstairs to her bedroom as quietly as she could, catch Bridget off guard, then have the pleasure of saying she scared her. Bridget walked away from the window, and hid behind her bedroom door, waiting for Jenna to come in.

Downstairs, Jenna believed her master plan was working. She planned it all out last night, even thinking of what she would say if Bridget got sulky because she didn't expect her.

She made her way upstairs, being sure to miss the creaky parts which she knew about after years of sneaky downstairs for midnight snacks during their sleepovers. She reached Bridget's door, careful not to make a sound. Her hand hovered over the door handle, nervous to open it. After a few seconds, she opened the door.

She had no time to say or do anything when Bridget stepped out from behind the door wrapping her arms around her. She yelped out of shock. Everything in her plan was perfect. She thought about everything. Except the fact that Bridget could have heard her... why didn't she realize that sooner?!

Bridget laughed, hugging her. "Why are you the one who's so surprised? I thought you were supposed to be scaring me" She said teasingly.

"I didn't think you'd be there!" Jenna replied.

"Did you have a whole plan figured out?" Bridget asked.

"Well... yes. But it didn't work" Jenna replied embarassedly.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I'm just that good." Bridget Then continued, whispering "But... if you keep it between you and I, You can try your plan again and I'll let it all play out how you wanted it to" She smiled.

"Really?" Jenna replied.

"Mhm, just don't go bragging to anyone about how you scared me or I'll tell them what happened the first time~"

"I won't!" Jenna replied "For my plan... can you sit on the bed? And don't face the door"

"You want me to sit on the bed staring at the wall?" Bridget asked.

"Yep!" Jenna replied

"What a realistic plan.. okay, I'll do it." She walked over to the bed and sat down in the middle, staring at the wall.

Jenna walked back outside the room, going over her plan again in her head.

"I'm just staring at this wall, so unsuspecting... I hope someone doesn't come in and scare me while my guard is down..." Bridget tried not to laugh.

Jenna quietly walked in, jumping onto the bed and wrapping her arms around Bridget and whispering "Surprise~" into her ear, the kissing her neck.

Bridget smiled "Was that supposed to scare me?"

"No, when I was outside... I thought of a new plan. My original plan was to jump in here and shout 'boo!' Which... now that I say out loud doesn't sound scary either... But I like this better"

"I like this better too" Bridget smiled, Holding Jenna's hand. "You sounded cute when you whispered surprise, You gave me butterflies when you put your arms around me, and the kiss was the cherry on top"

"Wait a second... I may not have scared you, but people have done that before... not many but they still did it... But I did do something nobody else did!"


"I gave Bridget butterflies~" Jenna said smittenly.

Bridget turned around "You do that to me all the time" She ran a hand through Jenna's hair "I'm just so cool that you don't notice"

Jenna laughed cutely, the laugh Bridget always loved to hear. "I notice, I just don't say anything because you look so cute when you start blushing and forgetting your words.."

"Hmm... I don't recall doing that.." Bridget did recall the many, many times this happened, but she played it cool.

"Really? I can remember a lot of times..." Jenna said

"Name one!"

"How about when Tony first found out about us? Or when Chealsea gives us signs that she knows... or when my dad walked in on us cuddling, or when-"

Bridget started to blush "I-I said one!"

"There's that cute look I talked about~" Jenna teased

"Ah... so you think it's funny to tease me like that?" Bridget asked

"Just a little~" She smiled.

Bridget playfully pinned her to the bed.

"Do you like it when I tease you? Sometimes it's hard to tell... But you like to do it to me"

Jenna immediately started to blush "I... I.... I think we're talking about two different kinds of teasing... at least... I'm not talking about that kind... are you... talking about that kind of teasing?"

Bridget smiled "You're too easy to get to. Of course I wasn't talking about that kind of teasing, I'm talking about the same kind you are... or am I?"

"You made your point, cut it out~ you know how you make me when you act like this"

Bridget sat up "I didn't do anything~ And I didn't mean anything~ don't over think that too much"

Jenna sat up. "I probably shouldn't tease you any more.." she laughed

"Depends. Did you like it?"

"Did you?" Jenna replied

"Well..." Bridget bit her lip.

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