Chapter 6

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"Where did you go?"

"Hm? Oh, just to see a friend."

I squint at nothing, then hum in acknowledgement. I know I saw it... but I need to confirm it. I just... need this last piece of the puzzle. Except I also don't really feel like moving out of these arms. They're warm, and strong.

Like a lion.

"Akage... are you okay?"


I don't try to cover it up anymore. He doesn't say anything for a moment, probably from expecting to have to argue. I wriggle closer against him, closing my eyes partway out of contentment. When he does speak, it's very quiet.

"I figured it out... why I care so much."


"My best friend helped me realize it. He looks a hell of a lot like you, you know. He's always grumpy too. If Midoriya didn't have a hold on him, he'd probably have turned into a villain... Hurts to say it, but that's just how he is."

"Are you implying that I'm going to be one too?"

"What? No! I just... you're not... you're very similar, that's all."

"Mm. How so?"

"Well, you both curse a lot, and scowl. You both have red eyes and naturally spiky blond hair, though yours is lighter. You're both very muscular, but lithe at the same time. And you're both soft on the inside. Except you're kind of soft on the outside too. Especially your cheeks. Very squishy."


It's more growly than before, and I make sure he can tell. He laughs again, and I bask in the sound.

"You can't ask me to explain and then get grumpy when I say something you don't like."

"I do what I want. Continue your story."

"Haha, right. I went to see my friend, who is very similar to you. And we did an exercise that Midoriya used for Todoroki a while back."


"Not important right now, let me finish. We wrote down as many details as we could think of about each of those around us."

"Sounds stupid."

"It makes sense. Even Bakubro can admit that."

"Mm. So what does this exercise do, then? Measure your memory?"

"No. It gives answers to important questions about people."

"Mm. And what question did you want answered again?"

"Why I care so much. Aren't you listening?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Well try to, this is important."

I have to try really hard to contain my smile, somehow keeping a straight face while he chuckles. He resumes his story, and as he does, he starts rubbing my back again. I get the sense it's not an intended movement, but it feels soothing. The kind of thing that relaxes me to the point of sleep. I close my eyes, just listening.

"Turns out that I can write a whole essay on all the details I remember about you. I didn't get it at first. Bakubro about punched me in the face and called me a dumbass. Well, he sort of does that anyways, but that's when it hit me. The reason why I care so much."

"Is the story part of this necessary? You could have told me five minutes ago."

"Be quiet, I'm stalling."

"How about don't."

"Haha, fine, you win. I love you, Akage. That's why I care so much about you."

I open my eyes. This close to his body, I can hear his heartbeat quicken. A strange feeling fills me, but it doesn't strike me as a bad one.

"Hmm... I suppose I can tolerate having you around."

"Gee, thanks."

Silence falls, and suddenly the fact that we're just sitting on the bathroom floor hits me in the face. I don't want to move from such pleasant contact, but I also don't want to sit on a bathroom floor. Even if it is my own. Besides, my butt is starting to hurt. I exhale in a huff, not sure if I can really move since his arms are still tight around me.

"I want up."

"How old are you?"

"Three. Now let me up."

"But I never get to hold you..."

He pouts comically, mostly teasing, but I can tell that he's also telling the truth.

"You can do whatever you want to me, whenever, but just not on the bathroom floor."

"Whatever I want?"

Why does he sound so genuinely excited about it?

"Yes. Now let me up!"

He finally releases me, and I quickly maneuver away from him to stand up. I don't look at him as I leave the bathroom. I don't need to. The reflection of his tattered shirt is enough.

Somehow, I didn't harm him.

I only make it as far as the doorway to my room before arms wrap around me again. I groan in protest instantly.

"Now it's standing? You pick horrible places for that!"

"You said whenever."

"I did, but that doesn't mean make it uncomfortable. Who wants to stand here? I don't! I want to go lay somewhere comfy."

"And what are you planning after that?"

"Taking a nap."

"You're always napping."

"Well, my quirk does make me a very large cat."

"Oh, right."

Once again, he lets me go. This time, however, he doesn't follow me, as his phone rings just as I dip into my room. I'd knocked the blanket and a pillow down when I got up before, so I just lay on my side on the floor, moving part of the blanket to cover my lower half.

I have to direct my attention almost literally everywhere else to keep from eavesdropping, although I do hear him address them by name. Of course, it's one of two very frequent callers. Only that Bakubro guy and someone named Denki call him too frequently. Even his own mother doesn't call that much.

He enters the room once he's finished, and moves the blanket off of me. I scowl, growling under my breath, but he only flops down behind me and moves the blanket over both of us.

"You're always grumpy, Akage."

"Then maybe you should make me smile."

"You know what? I will do that."

Oh great.

What have I just gotten myself into...

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