First Travels

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It doesn't take long for Jimin to learn that most of the boys are just genuinely nice. Tae is the closest to him so far, and though he doesn't yet hug Jimin- probably cause he's only physically affectionate to Jin -he still stands close to him. Jungkook was initially quiet, but quickly opened up to Jimin, he doesn't talk as much as Tae but he does let Jimin cling to him when he's feeling particularly hug deprived.

Almost all of them let him cling to them, with the exception of Yoongi and Tae.

Yoongi still still doesn't like him, and Jimin still doesn't know why. Jin had told him it would just take time, and Hobi had repeated the sentiment. Namjoon had unconvincingly tried to lie, claiming Yoongi liked him just as much as he liked the others.

As if Yoongi didn't glare at Jimin whenever he was setting the evening fire, his eyes reflecting the burn of the flames. As if every time Jimin so much as spoke in his presence he didn't blatantly ignore him, to the point where Jimin stopped trying to hold a conversation. As if Yoongi didn't not-so-subtly pull the others away when Jimin was with them.

Yoongi hated Jimin, but he's faced worse. As long as this doesn't put a strain on the relationship between the six boys Jimin wont do anything about it. Not so long as Namjoon explains the constellations to him, or Tae goes off on his wild theories, or Jungkook shows off to him, only to be outclassed by Hobi's dancing skills. Not so long as Jin is smiling at him gratefully because he doesn't have to make dinner by himself when Jimin's there to help.

Not so long as Jimin feels like he actually belongs somewhere, not just for the 'first time in a long time', but maybe the first time ever.

Even if Yoongi still hates him.

"You're frowning again." He recognizes this to be Hoseok Hyung's voice.

"Am not."

"Yeah sure, and I'm not the best dancer you've ever met." He nudges Jimin. "This is about Yoongi Hyung again, Isn't it? Give him time, he'll learn to love you as much as we do."

"It's been three weeks." Jimin's pouting, he knows he's pouting.

"That not enough time for Yoongi Hyung. He's very closed off, very reserved. I'm sure you've noticed he's the only one who doesn't allow physical affection- well, besides Tae but that's a whole other story. Yoongi didn't like any of that at first, he's cautious, doesn't want to be hurt. Give him time- more time -and some space, he'll come around soon enough."

"Yeah, okay." Jimin smiles weakly. "Namjoon Hyung said you guys move camp a lot, when are we gonna be doing that next?" He asks, wanting to change the subject.

"Soon, maybe even tomorrow if everyone agrees. It's not like we're are a strict schedule, we just don't like to stay in one place for too long." He smiles blindingly. "I'm glad you're coming with us, ChimChim. Even though I didn't know you when we first met I was still heartbroken when I found out about your living conditions."

He wraps his arms around the youngers waist. "It's impossible not to care about you Chim! You're so cute!"

After centuries of hearing this Jimin had learned not to be offended, the speaker almost always meant well, instead he focuses on the other thing Hobi said. "You say everyone but that's not true."

He pulls back from the hug he'd been giving. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"Yoongi Hyung still doesn't like me!" Jimin wails, eliciting a laugh from the older man.

Hoseok ruffles Jimin's gray hair as he stands "One of us will let you know what we think- that is, if you don't mind leaving tomorrow."

"M-me?" Jimin's shyness is back in full force. "I don't m-mind."

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