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It's kinda disappointing, to see how little they've changed. Each and every member of the Godly Pantheon is exactly the same as Jimin remembers them, down to the stray curl of hair the goddess of youth has around her neck. He doesn't even try to hold back the sneer forming. How can they truly think just pausing time is a viable solution to anything? Do they fear change this much? Or is it death? What could it be that drove who were once the greatest among men into being heartless monsters?

Namjoon grips his arm tightly, pulling him back into reality. Jimin tries to show his gratitude towards the younger male through his expression, though based on the mans responding one it might not have gone so well. He hates who he becomes when he sees them, all he can do is question everything he's ever known.

As it turns out being raised by psychopaths can really mess with your head.

The move away from the edge of the doorway, content with knowing the entirety of the original pantheon is here, excluding one. Inside the room are five of the six original gods. Jessi, goddess of Age; Sunmi, goddess of Youth; Hyuna, goddess of Discord; Taemin, god of Peace; Hyojong, god of Harmony. The only one missing is Jimin's father Shinga, the god of War. among them he's the only one he can be sure has changed. Even when he saw his father every day it seemed like he was never the same. All the rest of the godly deminions never change, but war, war just becomes more and more brutal as the years go on.

He crouches down with the others, sending a strained smile across the circle to Yoongi. "Five of the six are there. Between the time my father arrives and the time they begin to enact the spell to bind humanity we have to save the world. Sound easy enough?"

Taehyung scoffs. "Sure defeat six primordial beings. Just a casual evening." Jimin levels him with a withering stare, accompanied by one of Jin's, but with Jungkook's muffled laughter backing him up Tae doesn't even begin to shrink under the gaze.

"Are they primordial though? Like they're god's but they were human once, so wouldn't they not be primordial?" Namjoons says.

"I don't know," Jimin starts to say before Hobi kicks him, "But that's not the point, as Hoseok here so helpfully reminded me. It's quite possibly the end of the world, could we not focus on who is and isn't primordial."

"Yes, Jimin, that would be a possibility."

The silver haired man freezes. He may like hearing his name said again, he may enjoy the feeling of his friends knowing who he is and claiming the name as theirs, placing their own love over the hatred that clouded his past, but he never wanted to hear that voice say his name again.

"Hi there Shinga, long time no see." Jimin turns around as he stands- humorously enough -eye to eye with his father.

"Wasn't expecting you to find me so quickly. I see Hyojong locator spell went well enough- or was this another spell in his freaky arsenal of tracking magic? Ah it's no matter, either way he won't be able to use magic anymore after tonight." And with that a collection of praying stones that had been lying at the base of a statue for the Goddess of Youth raise into the air and go soaring at Shinga's head.

Unfortunately, being the god of war, he dodges the attack and presses a blade against Jimin's neck all in one singular movement. "Tut tut son, that's not what I taught you. Had you truly wanted to kill me you should've done it a multitude of other ways, and yet you went for such a foolish attack."

Jimin smiles softly at his friends, trying to reassure them that he's alright. "I've no interest in killing you father, I'd simply like to have a conversation between the lot of us."

Namjoon makes a sound like a strangled dog while Hobi and Yoongi both give him a look of 'are you kidding me'. Behind Jungkook's hovering form hides a shaking Taehyung. If Hyuna sees him she'll know that he carries one her her gifts, and the same goes for Yoongi and Jessi. This is a dangerous situation and for a moment Jimin almost wishes he hadn't let his guard down, but then he sees Jin's face.

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