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After a while of playing, Eric's phone started to ring. He picked it up but sighed, it looked like he wanted to break that phone.

"You ok?" I asked him, he didn't want to look at me but after a while he looked at me with bored eyes.

"My friends want me to go with them at some place, most likely the beach. Wanna go with me?" I didn't want to but I'd rather go with him than be alone. I nodded then he got up, we both left and he told his mother where he was going.

"Those 'friends' again? I'm telling you they're a bad influence to you" His mother frowned, this is getting awkward.

"They aren't all that bad, mom" Eric told her, I didn't say anything since I didn't want to get into this.

"They make you do drugs and everything! Do you think that's anything good? You can't even get a job because of them, you're 20 years old for crying out loud! You have so much opportunities but you don't do anything because of them" This was very awkward.

"Mom I'm already attending college to become something great, I don't let them pull me away from that. Anyways I'm going, I'll be back home around night so don't wait up" He said, taking my hand and taking us to his car. The look his mom gave me was a 'please help him' look.

He drove us to a beach and there was two guys there with three girls, there was a fire and they all sat around it, I could hear laughter and conversations when we got closer to them.

"Hey Eric! Finally you fucking made it, who's she?" One of the guys ask, it looked like the guy I saw when I first met Eric. He looked at me up and down which made me uncomfortable.

"She's my girlfriend, if you have a problem then you better tell me" Eric said, crossing his arms. The guy just laughed and went back to the group of people. Eric and I went towards them making them look at us or well me.

The girls that were there were glaring at me making me feel insecure, why are they looking at me like that? All of them except the girls introduced themselves, the girls just kept to themselves.

"Just ignore them, my friends got them to have sex with them. Not important" He whispered into my ear, they just used them for sex? That's really horrible.

A few minutes passed by and one of the girls went up to me.

"Hey follow us! We should talk, have some girl moment" She said before I could say anything she dragged me with the other girls, we all walked around then one of the girls made conversation with me.

"You know Eric only dragged you here to fuck you, he doesn't actually love you" She said, my eyes widened, why would she say that?

"If you don't believe us then here this conversation with one of the guys" She handed me a phone and I listened to the recording, it was Eric talking, no please don't let them be right. I didn't say anything, just dropped the phone and left.

Why did I start trusting people? Why did I get out of my comfort zone? They only fucking hurt you, I walked home. I shouldn't even be sad, I barely met him so it shouldn't bother me.

I was walking home, just go to Lucy and tell her your problems. God I need friends, desperately. I entered my house, Lucy immediately went towards me. She looked worried.

"I fucking hate people, I feel like I can only trust you" She licked my cheek where my tears were rolling down. She went somewhere then came back, she came back with my little sisters doll, why would she bring this back?

"Why'd you bring this?" I looked at the doll, I sighed and looked at her, I swear I saw my little sister but when I blinked it was just Lucy.

"I'm going crazy" I told myself, I looked at the doll and frowned, my sister would cheer me up and try baking me some cookies even though she was horrible at it.

"Can you put this back? I don't wanna see it anymore.." She grabbed the doll in her mouth and went upstairs to put the doll away. Wait how did she even open the door from my sisters room? It was closed...

I heard the door bell ring making me go towards the door and opening it, it was Eric and looked so worried.

"Y/N please! I can explain" I tried closing the door but he held it open, I guess there's no point in saying no so I let him in and we talked.

"They edited it?" He nodded, I thought for a moment, that wouldn't be a surprise at all, dammit I trusted them and left but I didn't wanna be there anyway.

"I forgive you, sorry for not trusting you" I apologized.

"Hey don't worry about it ok?" I nodded, we talked for a while and that day changed a lot. We were together for months and it was the greatest thing ever! I started making friends when I got a new job and they were all amazing.

It was 6 girls, they all wanted to quit and start a YouTube career which I wanted too. So we did, we saved enough money to get a computer, microphone etc. then we made a discord to talk and whenever we have fans they can join too.

Their names were Jaqueline, Camila, Meredith, Emilia, Stephanie, and Rita. They all were the best and they helped me when I needed it, especially Eric who told me to get up and start working so I wouldn't be all alone in my house.

Now look at me, I'm a youtuber who always plays with her friends and couldn't ask for anything else.

It has been a year now and my relationship with Eric has never changed, we still love each other deeply and I'm still a youtuber. Some of my favorite YouTubers recognized me which made me fangirl but calmed down.

Lucy was still there for me and always reminded me of my sister in a weird way, sometimes I would see my sister instead of Lucy which was weird.

But everything has been better for me which was amazing! A year ago I was just dreaming how I wanted to be with one of my favorite YouTubers but now I'm a almost married girl who couldn't ask for more.

It was a short story but better than anything, thank you for reading my weird dreams and experiencing them with me! I hope you all enjoyed how this ended. I hope you enjoy whatever the author does next, maybe something a little bit better than my life.

The End <3

I hope y'all enjoyed Y/N's ending! Eh a bit horrible but I want to hurry up and start with my other books I have planned out so y'all know what that means!

FITZ BOOK COMING OUT SOON! Just need to finish the first chapter so y'all can read it :)

I know this book was so rushed like my two other books but oh well! Btw can you guess why I chose those names for Y/N's friends? ;)

Like and comment! I'll see you all in the new beginning for us my fellow cookies 🍪

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