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"I don't care If its fun or not! Let my brother go!" I told Pan.

He smirked again and grabbed my wrist. He teliported us to some kind of... camp? It was amazing really, houses inside if trees, tents made out if leaves. For normal people it would be almost rustic looking but for me, it was the opposite.

"WAKE UP BOYS!" shouted Pan. All the sudden a bunch of boys came out from their homes and started yelling and running all over the place like... animals!

"BOYS!" he shouted again. Suddenly they all just stopped. "we have visitors." He told them.

I glared at pan. "What are you? Some sort of king around here?" I asked him.

He laughed and said, "There are no kings in Neverland."

I looked at my brother and shrugged. "Sam! Take our visitors to my house then come back, we all need to talk." Pan ordered.

One of the tallest boys came and took me and my brother to the tallest tree and opened the door. He pushed us inside and locked us in. Great.

"So...When are we going to kill them?" asked a boy.

"Felix, I don't think we are going to kill them, theres something 'special' about that girl. The boy on the other hand is a coward but when we are done with him he will be one of us." I heard Pan say.

I found a back door and told my brother to follow me. But he just shook his head. "hie's tight, you know, I am a coward, But maybe they can teach me how to be brave! You can go but i'm staying." he said firmly.

"I guess I can't make you come with me, just, be safe." I told him.

I walked out the back door and ran deeper into the woods.

I found a small area with out trees and made a tent out of leaves and sticks.

"Impressive." said pan from behind me. I sighed.

"What do you want?" I asked him. He grinned and stepped closer to me. His green eyes pierced through my brown eyes.

"There's something different about you, Thea and I intend on finding out what that is. Now, you can come back like a nice, obedient girl, or I can make you come back." he said.

"And why would I want to come back?" I asked pan.

"It would be the less painful thing to do." he said.

I curtsied and said, "well your majesty if you haven't noticed I wouldn't have a place to stay there." I crossed my arms

"You can stay at my place." he said.

"Fine but only for my brother not because you asked me to.'' I said

Then Pan smiled, not smired, but smiled. I looked into his green eyes witch seemed much more kinder.

"i'll be back soon I just want to be by myself for a moment." he nodded then dissapered.

I sighed.

"oh that... that monster!!!" said this bird. Which to be honest was probably the most normal thing I saw all day.

"Who Peter?" I asked the bird.

"YES!" said the bird.

" He's not that bad I mean did you see is smile? He was like a different person! and his eyes make you..." I started but the bird interrupted me.

"gag? shiver in fear?" asked the bird.

I laughed. " I was going to say melt."

" OH HONEY no don't go down that road, Pan kills, had killed, and will kill!" said the bird.

"i'm not in love with Pan!" I said. the bird kept talking but I just ignored the bird and started heading back for the camp.


"well your majesty if you haven't noticed I dont have anywhere to stay" Thea said.

"You can stay at my place." I offered.

"fine but for my little brother not because you told me to." She said.

Just then something about her made me smile. I haven't smiled in a long time, probably to long. Her brown eyes looked into mine in a way that made my heart skip a beat.

"i'll be back at the camp soon, I just need time to think." she said. I nodded because I understood, it was alot to take in, Neverland was very different from the world she knew. I walked into the woods to make It look like I left but I hid behind a tree, listening to the conversation she and the bird were having. I couldn't hear what they were saying so I walked a little closer.

"who peter?" she asked. I smiled again, she called me Peter instead of pan! Whats wrong with me!

"YES!" said the bird.

"He's not that bad I mean did you see is smile? He was like a different person!" she said. Again I couldn't help but smile. She likes my smile! ''and his eyes make you..." she started but the bird interrupted.

" gag? shiver in fear?" asked the bird

"I was going to say melt" Thea said. Again she made me smile! my eyes made her melt! UGH WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME SHES JUST A STUPID GIRL!!!!

" OH HONEY no don't go down that road, Pan kills, had killed, and will kill!" said the bird.

"i'm not in love with Pan!" She said. All the sudden I stopped smiling and headed back to the camp.

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