substitute two

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Arthit's POV.

I did what he told me I cried hysterically while sobbing really hard ( I'm literally wailing ) in his arms I could hear my muffled cries echoing in my room as I snuggle and buried my face on his chest. We stayed for an hour just like that standing as I cry myself dry while kongpob just silently rubbing my back gently until I calm down.

" no more tears?." he asked half joking. I tilt my head looking up to him in incredulity." I hate you." I hiss jokingly too. He chuckles as he pulled out from our hug and hold my hands intertwining it while leading me to my bed. I just looked at him in bewilderment, he sat down on my bed and place me on top of his lap. And it somehow made my heart flutter, my cheeks heated up. I'm not used to this gentle and touchy self of his.

" are you okay now?." he asked softly brushing my remark before. I hummed while nodding my head I didn't bother questioning why are we in this position because it's pretty comfortable and I'm too shy to ask." how did you find out?."

" Last week, my sister and your brother went to my house." he replies quietly. I stare at him because I want to know if his really okay but I don't even saw a hint of sadness in him which makes me frown but I just shrugged it off and talk." but how can they get married after just dating for four months.

He sighed." apparently they been dating for more than a year now, they just didn't tell us." there is a sense of distance and indifference in his voice while glancing at me sadly. And for some reason, I can't stand it so I hug him.

he stiffened a little because he was taken aback but relax in a matter of seconds. He caresses my back." I'm fine pup. Don't feel bad." I pulled up and looked at him my eyes glinted with determination." let's drown ourselves with alcohol." I declared, stood up and made my way to my door I just heard a giggle from him before I stepped out my room.

When I went downstairs, my parents spotted me and called me out." arthit son,  come here." I mentally groan because with them are my brother and kongpob's sister but I still begrudgingly did my dad told me and went close to them." what is it, dad?." I asked, my eyes darting around.

" why didn't you told us that kongpob is your brother's girlfriend's brother." my mom asked with pure curiosity. I just shrugged. " uhm does my brother has been here before?." brother's girlfriend inserted she looks confused. I mentally roll my eyes." yes... Kongpob came here sometimes with arthit." my father answer. Why are they even asking me when they're the ones whose answering. " oh my son why are your eyes red?." my mom ask dramatically.

I sighed in exasperation." something got on my eyes and I ended up rubbing it too much." I answered lying through my teeth without batting an eye.

My mom, dad, and brother just looked at me skeptically I just shrugged it off." ohh kong." kongpob's sister said. I frowned and turned my head where she is looking at. Kongpob smile as he made his way towards us. He wai-ed at my parents when he stops in front of us." good evening aunt and uncle, I'm sorry I didn't get to greet you properly earlier because arthit were rushing me." he said politely.

I gasp surprise at what he said." what the hell." I whispered yell at him as I pinched his side. He chuckled. " it's alright kong, and thanks for the gift." my mom answered while smiling. He just smiles back while my father just gives kongpob a nod and smile of understanding. " hi Phi how are you?." he asked my brother.

Who awkwardly smile, maybe because he still can't forget about how was kongpob holding my hand and when he had asked me I just gave him a vague answer so he doesn't know if I and kongpob are gay and in relationships or just really close friends." I'm fine, what brings you here?." he carefully asked.

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