This is the end

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She was already dead inside, which is probably why her death was quick and painless. She always wondered what the after life was like. She wanted the whole experience.

The white light, the gates of heaven opening for her. What she didn't want to experience was the flashes of her life. She knew what she'd been through it's what brought her to this moment. As she laid in the bed waiting for her heart to stop she thought about what would become of her pet gerbil. Would they get rid of him just like they got rid of her parents? Would they keep him as proof that she lived? She was actually quite sad that she couldn't take him with her. she'd gotten him when she first moved into her aunt and uncles house.

Well more like stole him from the pet shop. They were going to murder him anyway she thought. She practically saved his life and in return he gave her companionship. She could never give him a proper name. She felt like a gerbil would never be able to live up to their names so there was no use in giving him a name that had a meaning to it. 

He wouldn't understand what his name meant anyway, he was an animal. She'd taken another short and dried breath. She was starting to fade faster. But sadly she wasn't seeing the white light yet. What if it's just a myth and there's just a endless black darkness ahead. Ironic she'd

been lonely in her life it would be tragic if she'd ended up alone in her after life too. For a short second she wondered if her cousin would ever find love. It's not like her cousin was very open to the fact that she liked the same gender. After all she hid it from her parents for three years. She thought about how she could've outed her in so many ways considering she had told her aunt that she wasn't a virgin and that it was all her fault. Not that anyone noticed the bruises on her wrists from being tied up during her "counseling visits". 

But she decided that sooner or later her aunt would catch her cousin in bed with the girl shes been sneaking into her room for the past three weeks. Mainly because she had written a clue in her death note. 

She suddenly found herself panting as the concoction she made earlier finally digested. She could feel her body start to feel cold. The warmth of her covers were no more. She opened her eyes for a quick glance at her room. She was leaving her old life behind and starting a new one. a better one. she was starting to give up hope on the white light. she was used to disappointment. she started to close her eyes back but she was stopped when she seen an angel standing in the corner of the room. 

But this angel wasn't the typical angel for he had no wings. His face was covered in his black cloak made of thin fabric, so thin that his glowing white eyes were visible. He held a scythe in his hand and death in his heart. With the other hand he reached out for her. She'd realize that she was no longer in her body. She looked at her hand in her ethereal form and gasped. No sound actually came out. She gave one last look at her non existing corpse and then 

took deaths hand. 

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