Chapter One

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I watched as the Alpha played with the children. Lifting them up and throwing them in the air, careful to catch them. I stared with the intensity of a lion watching its prey. He was perfect. Everything about him screamed at me to fall in love with him.

Oh wait, I am.

I quickly turned from the scene in front of me, before he felt my staring. I strolled to the pack house and entered the Alphas bedroom. Coming in here always made my stomach flip. Especially when I entered alone.

As I flipped on to the huge fluffy bed. I surveyed my reflection on the mirrored ceiling. I didnt hate my shape, even if I wasnt the same skinny figure that most of the girls in the pack. I wasnt tiny with a six pack but I wasnt big either. I had big hips for a fifteen year old and perfectly rounded chest. Both these features met at my slim waist.

I fixed my long dress and the petticoat beneath, smiling at my big brown eyes. You are what the Alpha wants. I thought, almost convincing myself not to chicken out.

Thinking of the Alpha had me swooning.

"Kiyiya?"a deep clear voice questioned and I sat up to meet his eyes with a smile. "I didnt hear you come in." I murmured. He ignored me and questioned further, his eyes glistening mischievously.

"Well its the evening before before I find my mate. I want to spend it with you." I whispered, bowing my head in respect. "Kiyiya, I thought we promised not to discuss the mate ordeal until we came to it. He said lifting my head to meet his perfect blue eyes."

Before replying I took the time to sketch his perfect appearance into my memory. His black hair and his chiselled jawline. He was everything I would ever want.

"Well?" he asked and I turned from him and his warm grasp with a smile on my face. "They say a mate is perfect and fulfils every dream youve dreamt, but it puzzles me so, how I could meet anyone as perfect as you." I said as my dress flowed out as I spun around the room. As I closed the door and his hands took my face in their hold. Especially when Ive dreamt of you. I added and his lips tugged up into a smile.

"My dear, he will soon be everything you have ever wanted." He said, but I saw the hurt flicker across his face. I wasnt to say his name in public as I was the only person apart from his family that had permission. So I checked the lock on the door and lent against it smiling.

"If he is to be everything I wanted, how is it that he is not you?" I asked before pushing off the door and into his arms. After all, you are the very person I want. That I crave. I whispered. I pushed up onto my toes and pressed my lips against his softly. "But I wish to spend this night with you." I said pressing my head onto his buttoned shirt.

"Channing, mates are fate. You chose not to fall into the trap and rejected her. You cannot possibly ask me to do the same tomorrow." I asked, pressing my hand to his check. Secretly, I hoped he would ask me to do so, but his head bowed as shook it.

He closed his eyes as he clasped my hand in his. "Mates are forced love, but you he paused, opening his eyes. But you Kiyiya are chosen. I love you for who you are, not because the moon Goddess told me I have to. You my love, I will always chose you." He said kissing my hand.

"I know it is sinful to do so, but Channing, what if my mate is someone I despise? i would fall in love with them. I refuse to give my innocence to a fool..." I said, trailing off as I looked up at him through my lashes at his smiling face.

"Kiyiya?" he murmured, but I hushed him with a kiss. The kiss began to bubble into more as his eyes turned into a deep void of black.

"Once we start I dont think I will stop this time." He whispered against my lips and I nodded.

Out of all the countless other times that I had been with Alpha Channing in this very bed, no experience had ever been like this. This time wasnt slow and cautious. We had never went further than third base. We had never actually had sex and now, as we broke that unspoken rule, I felt like I finally had a choice. And every word that Channing had said, spoke that truth, he didnt stop and I didnt want him to.

We laid in each others arms for what seemed like hours, getting lost in each others words and stories we spoke of. Until he stood. "I suppose your mother and father are waiting for you." He said motioning to the moon as it journeyed across the starry sky.

"Oh my!" I said rushing as I gathered my things. I heard his chuckle as I struggled with my corset. It would be a lot easier if you helped. I said smiling over at the bed where his half naked for laid with nothing but a pair of boxer-shorts on. After a few moments of more struggling, I felt his breath fan over the bare skin of my shoulders as he kissed them.

After making sure I was presentable we just stared at each other and I fought off the urge to cry.

"Would it not be okay if I just stayed the night?" I asked but he shook his head. "Kiyiya, what would your mate say if he smelt me on you, more than he already will?" He asked and I knew I had lost the argument.

He closed the distance between us and gave me what felt like a good bye kiss. "I love you Kiyiya." He said before shaking his head with a smile. "Tonight was a night that I have been waiting for and you did not disappoint". He whispered as he turned from me and towards his bed. "Waiting for?" I asked. He could not be saying what I thought he was saying. "You waited Channing, tell me this wasnt your first time..." I said smiling and he turned back to me with a grin plastered on his face. "I told you I have and always will love you." He said kissing my forehead. I felt my cheeks colour as he trudged back to his head. I watched as his perfectly chiselled back moved with his breathing.

"I love you too, Channing." I whispered before closing the door and making my way out of the pack house.

I trudged down the road from the pack house as the night air nipped at my skin. Before entering my home, I stared at it for some time. Something was changing with in me.

I opened the front door only to find my mother staring, shock clear on her face. "Kiyiya? Why can I smell the Alpha on you?" she asked lowly. I opened my mouth to answer but her hand silenced me. "You shall be coming of age tomorrow Kiyiya. How could you cast your innocence away in that way. He is the age of eighteen, and only just became Alpha months ago, you are not even sixteen." She enlightened me as if I didnt know. Her hand covered her mouth as she fought to contain her sobs.

I wanted to comfort her so I did what is probably not my best idea and told her the truth.

"Mother, how can I sit and let my life be controlled by a Goddess that might not even know what is best for me? I shall meet my mate tomorrow, but I first had to confess the feelings I had for Alpha Channing! How can I love another when my heart belongs to him?" I asked, a smile growing on my face.

Quickly and harshly her hand connected with my face. "I forbid you to ever touch or interact with the Alpha again." She said. Her eyes boring into my face. "Only the Alpha can make such rules." I said, my heart clenching. "Can you not be happy for me? I have found love, mother!" but she shook her head. "You are a wolf. Every wolf needs a mate, you will be no different Kiyiya." She stated in a hoarse whisper. "It is a sin to do what you have cursed upon this family, and you will not speak a word of this to anyone. Understood?" she asked and I nodded feebly.

With nothing left to say she sauntered to her room where my father surely waited.

I entered my room in a state of desperation, falling asleep with Channing on my mind.

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