Chapter 8

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Channing! Veras voice screeched around me, causing me to stop the havoc I was wreaking on her house. Stop. I told you she was pregnant in hopes you would try harder to get her, not push her away by getting all Alpha protective and shit! she yelled at me. An invisible force hit me from the front and propelled me through the closest wall and into the bedroom behind it.

Why couldnt you just listen? Just once I was begging you to just wait and listen to what I had to say. She said climbing into the room after me as I picked myself up from the ground.

You tell me shes having my baby and you expect me to wait around and listen why? I yelled back at her. She rolled her eyes. Yes Channing, I was going to wait around and tell you how she got pregnant. She said, eyebrow raised. If you didnt know how she got pregnant then you shouldnt be doing it in the first place. She yelled, her invisible force picking me up and pinning me against the wall.

Well if your rules hadnt changed, he would be beta anyway now. She said her hand on her hip. You pushed her away Channing. She added as I fell to the floor clutching my throat.

I sat against the wall for what seemed like forever as Vera rebuilt her house and the walls we had smashed. I couldnt believe what I had done. Kiyiya was with someone else and it was clear she was in love with them.

Vera stood at the wall across from me and lent against it shaking her head. Channing she began but didnt finished as I shot across the room and pinned her. You really shouldnt throw an Alpha through a wall and yell at him. I said before picking her up and throwing her through the same wall she had just rebuilt.

She stood up and brushed the rubble from her red dress. I watched as she picked at small pieces of stone from her largely exposed cleavage. Well my apologies, when you find that Alpha can you tell him I said Im sorry. She said as she began to stride towards me, swaying her hips as she went. Something tells me that that smirk on your face is there as if you enjoyed it. She said pressing her body against me. As if you had a good time. But. She paused and raised her hand to her mouth. that cant be, for the Alpha never has a good time. She said looking up at me through her lashes.

Oh how I wanted to show her a good time but Kiyiya laid in the back of my mind, making me rethink what it was I was trying to start. My smirk dropped and I looked from her. I didnt. I said before turning away from her. Sorry for the damage. I added as I made my way towards the hole in the bedroom wall, but she stopped me as her hand wrapped around my bicep threateningly.

Forget the fucking demolition! she said as she flung me backwards. I stumbled backwards and landed on the edge of the bed. She strode towards me and straddled me mercilessly. Forget about her. You dont need her right now. You will get her back but until then, just focus on me. She whispered before pressing her lips against mine.

Only one thought was present through my head, I had to get her back.




She stared at me, studying my face intently. Channing, you lost her. She mumbled. Please I begged. And she stared at the floor and then to my face. Fine. I will talk to her, but not for you. But for the both of you. She deserves better than Phelan. Although Im not sure its you She said shaking her head. but its your baby and it deserves its father. She added still staring at me.

I couldnt watch as she picked her self up from the bed, her eyes glinting over the place in sad, depressed way. I wanted to go to her, I really did but something said that I should raise the pint that we had briefly discussed before setting the fire between us alight.

You swore Vera I mumbled cocking an eyebrow at her and her head snapped up towards me. What? she said as her eyebrows furrowed over her wide eyes. You swore that this would be a casual thing. I said avoiding her penetrating stare. I was shocked when I heard her laugh flow through the air. I faced her and her contagious laugh made me smile. What? I said with a light chuckle.

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