Chapter 1

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The little Omega found himself walking down an old woods, he'd been wondering around for days trying to find a place to stay but the only place he could find was a near by tree. His eyes brimmed with tears , his heart breaking from the silence and the thought of him being all alone. He loved his parents to death especially his mum.

Louis parents disowned him after he came out about his sexuality, only now he wished he kept it to himself and lived it in secret. He sniffled tucking his little feet under him , he pulled his blanket out of his back pack placing it over him, at least the leaves attached the trees would prevent him from getting wet if it rained.
As the night went on Louis became hungry but luckily he packed cookies and others snacks but he didn't know how long they would last.

He bit into his cookie softly looking up at the moonlight and the stars, his thoughts were interrupted by a low growl causing him to gasp and drop his cookie. He blinked twice to get a good look at what was ahead of him. He saw a pair of grey eyes piercing through him.

Louis could smell the creature coming towards him, he got up backing away from the tree not having time to pick up His things in the mean time. He began to run , branches and leaves slapped him in the face as he ran his breath hitching. The wolf growled running full speed towards the Omega .

The unknown Alpha pounced on the boys small body pinning him to the damp ground.

"N-no p-please" the little Omega struggled in the wolves grip as he thrashed around trying all ways to get away from him.

"Stop moving Omega!" The unknown wolf spoke making the Louis flinch away once again.  "Your smell drives me insane " the wolf opened his mouth showing off his sharp teeth as he growled.

Suddenly wolf's claws slashed along the omegas stomach causing a high pitched howl from Louis mouth. 

The unknown wolf just looked at his small body now oozing out with blood , he smirked leaving the boy to die.

Louis clutched onto his small stomach and screamed , he looked at his hand dripping with his own blood, there was no way he could move from this state.  Fresh tears poured from his beautiful blue eyes , he sobbed and shivered from the cold and pain through his body.  "M-mummy " Louis whimpered

All he wanted was his mother right now but there was no hope for the poor omega.


Welcome readers to my new book and just to say the unknown wolf in this chapter is not Harry.

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