Chapter 7

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Harry and the little Omega sat down in a booth at Niall's Restaurant , you could tell it not long opened as you could smell the fresh smell of paint and new furniture. Louis looked around the place he noticed the hanging lights on the celin Niall always had a thing for hang lights and decoration, he loves Christmas most for it.

"You like this place huh.. day dreamer " Harry chuckled admiring the omega as he cleared his thoughts. "Oh u-um its real nice y-yea" he nodded and picked up a menu looking through it, he chewed on his bottom lip, he didn't have any money for any of this and he certainly didn't want Harry forking out money for him, he had done enough even taking him in to his home.
"Something wrong Lou?" Harry spoke

"It's j-just that.. I um.. I don't a-actually "he cleared his throat. "I d-don't have a-any m-money " he stuttered closing the menu . Harry stopped him from closing it quick.
"Whatever you want I will get for you, you live under my roof now and I want to do all that I can to look after you , feed you and take care of you. "You've become an important part of my life Louis I hope you know that." Harry smirked looking at the omegas eyes and shoulders relax.

Harry was quick to wipe Lou's tears away as he was about to cry. "Don't cry kitten now " he grabbed a clean napkin handing it to the little one.

"I-I'm sorry I've j-just never f-felt s-such kindness and.. l-love " he gulped wiping his nose and sniffled into the napkin softly.
Harry leaned over kissing the bridge of his nose lightly , Louis smiled closing his eyes gently taking in the moment.
"T-thank you s-so m-much" he hiccuped

"No need to thank me angel , you deserve all the kindness and love in the world." Harry smiled opening up Louis menu laying it flat. "Now let's eat and I'm not taking no for an answer." Harry pouted opening his menu.

"Shall we order drinks first?" Harry suggested already looking at what the omega was looking at the menu.

Louis nodded "Can I g-get a m-milkshake?"
"You can have anything you want princess" Harry said sincerely
"Can I h-have c-chocolate ?" The Omega giggled

"Of course little one " Harry gestured one of the waiters over to take there orders.

"Hi what can I get you both today " the waiter was an Alpher but he was another one who would never harm any Omega.

"Can I get a black coffee and a chocolate milkshake please ?" Harry spoke whilst the waiter wrote it down.

"Anything to eat sir?"
"Yeah can I get a steak medium rare , fries , fried tomatoes and onion rings please."

"Of course and anything for you and by the way you smell so amazing." The waiter told Louis.

Harry's jaw clenched letting out a growl , Louis gulped feeling uncomfortable. "Id take his order and just leave if I were you " Harry warned making the waiter step back a little.

"U-um just a c-chicken burger p-please " Louis looked down playing with the side of the menu not making eye contact with the waiter.
The waiter nodded and walked away.

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