Chapter 1

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"Oliver!" Devin yelled out into the wilderness.

Oliver, Devin, and Devin's girlfriend (Catelyn) were going on a camping trip. They had been friends for years and as a celebration, they wanted to hang out in the woods for a weekend. They were walking down a trail when all of a sudden Oliver disappeared.

"Oliver? Where are you?" Devin yells again while Catelyn clings to his arm.

"Boo!" Oliver screams jumping out between the trees behind them. 

"You asshole, you're lucky we are best-friends" Catelyn laughs out.

"You're just mad because you got scared by me. At least I know you care!" 

They continue walking down the trail, it is dark and there are many stars out. Though, the trees cover most of the stars. A long and loud howl echoes through the forest.

"Oh haha real funny. Oliver, we know that's you." Devin shouts.

"That wasn't me, I swear. How could I make a howl like that, if I'm behind you?" Oliver says quietly with a bit of fear in his voice. 

They all group together, they look around them seeing if they can find whatever is out there.

"Let's go to the car," Catelyn says with a quiver in her voice.

"Come on, there are a bunch of animals in the forest. What do you expect to hear out here?" Devin calmly states.

Suddenly, there was a growl right behind them. They all turn around in horror and see a big grey wolf standing there. It had its' razor-sharp teeth showing, and the claws were long. 

"Run!" Oliver shouts at the top of his lungs.

The three of them run as fast as they could, their foot touching the ground as the other left it. All Oliver could hear was his heart pounding and the sound of the wolf. He was falling behind the rest of them, as he was not athletic.

The wolf catches up to him and gets a hold of his leg. Oliver let out a blood-curdling scream, and the others look back.

"Oliver!" They both cry out.

They grab his arms and kick the wolf in the face. It lets go of him and Devin puts him around his shoulders and runs for his life. They get to their car and quickly get in and drive off. Catelyn takes a spare shirt out of her bag and wraps it around his leg to stop the bleeding.

"Babe where is the nearest hospital?" Devin yells into the back of the car.

"I don't know, call 911." Catelyn yells back.

"Come on, stay with us Oliver. You will be okay, you are not going to die on us." Catelyn says to him with tears going down her face.

"If you die, I will kick your ass." Devin yells.

The car pulls up to the hospital and Devin and Catelyn carry him in there. The nurses bring a stretcher to him and put him on. The nurses run him into an operating room. Devin tries to follow but the doctor tells him that he needs to stay out. He watches the doors close as they prep him. Catelyn runs over to him and Devin hugs her tightly.

"He will be okay, we have all been through much worse and survived." Devins says quietly to Catelyn.

They walk to the waiting room and sit down. Catelyn puts her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes while tears continue to stream down her face.

After about 2 hours, the doctor walks into the room and Devin walks up to him.

"Your friend is okay, he suffered severe lacerations in his leg. We stitched him up before any muscle deterioration happened. He was lucky that he had you guys with him" The Doctor says. 

"Can we go talk to him?" Devin asked.

"Not yet, we had to put him under heavy anesthesia. He will be awake in about an hour. Though while you wait, you can sit with him." The Doctor says.

"Yes, please," Catelyn says.

"Follow me then, he is just down the hall." He states.

They all walk down the hall into the room. They see a man with medium length brown hair. His eyes are closed and he is laying down peacefully. They just stare down at him in shock. Catelyn can't take looking at him anymore so she turns around and sits in the chair. Devin walks up to her and kisses her forehead.

--- 6 Months Later ---

Oliver is walking down the road that leads to a forest. He is wearing a black hoodie and he has a duffle bag with him. It contains extra clothes and some washcloths. He walks deep into the forest and starts stripping down.

"Sometimes life doesn't go as planned, it takes a dark twist. Whether it is getting a deadly illness, or being hit by a car. Sometimes though, it turns you into a monster." 

The full moon comes out behind the clouds and Oliver starts screaming, for he is turning. His big turn around was that he turns into a monster every full moon.

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