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Picking up my phone, I press the lock button and witness the time of eleven fifteen in the morning. Looking up at the entrance, I sigh and shake my head. I'm meeting Malachi today because I need answers. Buddha, and I'm pretty sure my sister believes that Malachi is the one who got Cole and his crew to jump me. I on the other hand don't belive that. If he did, he wouldn't be in town where my sister could find him. Then again, he doesn't know anything about my family. I didn't tell anyone I was coming here to meet Malachi. When I left Jay's this morning I told her I was going out and I got a cab here. I left before the guards came so they wouldn't follow me and tell Buddha I was leaving. They have to be there by now and know that I'm gone. Probably searching for me right now and worrying Kris. I hear the bell over the door open and witness Malachi step through it. He's dressed in sweats and a hoodie with his Timb's on. I'm guessing he was at his place sleep and took his sweet time to get here. Sitting up, I move my phone to the side of me and watch as he takes seat across from me.

"Sup." He mumbles, sitting back in his seat.

"Hey." I greet back, tucking my hair behind my ear. He narrows his brows, seeing the healing bruise under my eye.

"What happened?" He questions concerned. Exhaling deeply, I raise both my brows while looking down at the table. I purposely didn't put on any makeup so he could see the bruise and the cut.

"I was jumped a week ago by a group of guys at the club. I found out who they were and they told me they were paid ten grand by a gentleman to do it." I explain. Malachi narrows his brows confused.

"And you think it was me?" He questions offended.

"I didn't say that Malachi. My family however think that it was you. I know that you wouldn't do anything this petty over a break up."

"We broke up how many times Adela?" He questions agitated.

"Plenty." I mumble.

"Ard then. You should know me. I wouldn't be that much in my feelings to get you hurt like this. Come on now that's bullshit." He stresses. I nod because I know he's telling the truth.

"Calm down alright. In my heart I knew you couldn't have done it. You have way too much going for yourself and I know you don't condone violence." Malachi sits back while pulling the hood of his hoodie up on his head.

"I don't condone violence, but whoever did this shit to you I'll kick their ass." He says.

"That's already being handled Malachi." I assure him. He nods while running his hands down his face.

"I'm just sorry this happened to you." He says. We say nothing as we stare at one another and I could see the concern look on his face. I shake my head of the feeling of wanting to get back with him and put my attention in my lap. I still have some type of feelings for him, but I'm not going to take him back. Besides, he seems to be living it up with the hickeys that dresses his flesh. I notice him trying to hide them with either the hoodie, or putting his hand on his neck as he leans on the table. Switching my thoughts up, I raise a brow while caressing the back of my neck.

"You remember me asking about your cousin Lucas?" I question.

"Yea what about him?" He questions unbothered. I open my mouth then close my lips, thinking how to say this. I don't want to say too much and the he runs his mouth to his cousin. I don't need anymore drama than I have now.

"I know him from somewhere and he knows me too." I inform.

"What you were fucking him and can't remember?" Malachi questions angrily. I scoff a laugh while shaking my head.

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